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NaukaBezGranic: Welcome to the U.S.A.
seminarium angielski .
- amerykańskie przedstawienie w języku angielskim - zapraszamy!

Welcome to the U.S.A.
Meet Marge, Your American Mum

w roli głównej
Linda Vignac, Theatre Atelier Montreuil

Warszawa 26/11

It’s awesome! It’s fantastic! You’re going to spend the school year in the United States and you’re going to live with an American family! So, meet Marge. She’s your American mother. Marge is there to help you. She’s going to give you some clues about how to be American.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
And you’re going to need a little practice, if you really want to fit in. Marge is going to tell you how to talk – get rid of that British accent and vocabulary in no time – what to eat, how to walk… She’ll give you some background on American geography, history and customs.
seminarium angielski .
Of course, she won’t leave out famous actors and actresses either. When she’s finished, you’ll know everything you need to be American.

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Bilety na warsztat 27 zł/uczeń [Pearson Direct 24 zł]

Więcej na:

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2013-11-26
Organizator: Nauka Bez Granic
Miejsce: Warszawa
Rodzaj: Welcome to the U.S.A. - amerykańskie przedstawienie w języku angielskim, dla grup z nauczycielem.