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Oxford University Press: Warmers, fillers and other quick activities


Dates: 12th September 2013
Times: 09.30 - 10.30, 15.00 - 16.00 (BST)
Speaker: Jon Hird

Join Jon Hird, author and teacher trainer for a practical session on warmers and fillers, and take away a few tricks that you can always keep up your sleeve to make your classroom more dynamic.
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In this practical and interactive session we will look at a range of short, simple and preparation-free activities to add a bit of dynamism and fun into any class. This includes warmers and fillers, lead-in activities, consolidation activities and activities to help you and your students get the most out of the course book.
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We will illustrate these activities with examples from the latest edition of Headway and explore ways to make best use of the materials.

Jon Hird divides his time between teaching and writing EFL material in Oxford, UK, where he has been based for over twenty years.
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During this time he has also taught briefly in Paris and Macedonia.

He has written or co-written a number of course books, teacher’s books and grammar practice books such as Complete English Grammar and Oxford Learner's Pocket Verbs and Tenses, as well as a range of Internet-based resource material.

At the heart of both his writing and teaching, is the challenge of trying to make activities and exercises as meaningful, engaging and as enjoyable as possible.

He particularly enjoys giving talks and workshops in different countries and meeting the teachers and students.

Dates and Times

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http://elt.oup.com/events/global/warmers_fillers_and_other_quick _activities?cc=pl&selLanguage=pl&mode=hub
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Data: 2013-09-12
Organizator: Oxford University Press
Miejsce: internet
Rodzaj: Warmers, fillers and other quick activities. Webinar