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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

Warszawa 5th – 10th July 2010 - Language Refresher Lower Secondary Exam and Matura Topics

Nauka Bez Granic in cooperation with
II L.O. im Batorego w Warszawie,
Pearson Longman, Nowa Era, The Teacher, Lang LTC, PASE oraz www.szukaj-lektora.pl

II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Stefana Batorego
ul. Myśliwiecka 6, Warszawa,
5th – 10th July 2010
Language Refresher - Lower Secondary Exam and Matura Topics


Paid before 20th June 2010 REGULAR PRICE Course price: 46 hours 460 PLN 552 PLN Single day price: 6-8 hours 80 PLN 96 PLN Longman Direct card holders will enjoy 10% discount on the prices above J
The prices for 1-5 days will be calculated according to the daily rate.

The whole course consists of 46 hours of works hops.
seminarium angielski .
It is possible to enrol for individual days.
Note: The programme below may be subject to minor changes.

Registration will take place from 12:00 on 5th July 2010. On other days, 6-9th July it will take place from 9:00, and 10th July from 8:00.
It is enough to register just once, on the first day of workshops you have selected or before the start of the course.

One of the roles of NaukaBezGranic Summer Schools is to strengthen the ELT community in Poland. That’s why we will ask all participants to contribute to the general welfare and happiness of all involved.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Take active part in the workshops, share your ideas, bake a cake, bring cookies and sweets for breaks! Make new friends and bring old ones

The prices given include:
- tuition
- training materials
- tea and coffee
- certificates
The prices do not include:
- accommodation
- meals

Please pay by bank transfer after you have booked the place on the course by email.
If you would like to benefit from the EARLY BIRD PRICE please pay the fee in full, for all the course or all the selected days by July 20th 2010.

Accommodation is not provided. We have a few hotels to recommend.

There are a few restaurants nearby but feel free to bring your own sandwiches and drinks. Hopefully the weather is nice and we will be able to have packed lunch in the schools garden chatting with other summer school participants. Tea and coffee will be provided all the time. You are welcome to bring biscuits and snacks to share with others.

Registration will take place from 12:00 on 5th July 2010. On other days, 6-9th July it will take place from 9:00, and 10th July from 8:00.
It is enough to register just once, on the first day of workshops you have selected or before the start of the course.

One of the roles of NaukaBezGranic Summer Schools is to strengthen the ELT community in Poland. That’s why we will ask all participants to contribute to the general welfare and happiness of all involved.
seminarium angielski .
Take active part in the workshops, share your ideas, bake a cake, bring cookies and sweets for breaks! Make new friends and bring old ones

Please pay by bank transfer after you have booked the place on the course by email.
If you would like to benefit from the EARLY BIRD PRICE please pay the fee in full, for all the course or all the selected days by July 20th 2010.

Accommodation is not provided. We have a few hotels to recommend.

There are a few restaurants nearby but feel free to bring your own sandwiches and drinks. Hopefully the weather is nice and we will be able to have packed lunch in the schools garden chatting with other summer school participants. Tea and coffee will be provided all the time. You are welcome to bring biscuits and snacks to share with others.

Więcej informacji, kontakty do organizatora, rejestracja - kliknij na:

http://www.szukaj-lektora.pl/LangMarket/Warszawa_5th_-_10th_July _2010_-_Language_Refresher_Lower_Secondary_Exam_and_Matura_Topics-ut-9784.phtml s-ut-9784.phtml
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2010-07-05
Organizator: NaukaBezGranic
Miejsce: Warszawa
Rodzaj: WARSAW SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 - Language Refresher Lower Secondary Exam and Matura Topics - start