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8th December - Steve Taylore-Knowles (Biography) - 'Teaching the art of life'

Teaching is often described as an art, but what kind of art is teaching? What does the metaphor say about how we view the process, ourselves as teachers and our learners? Is it a metaphor that we can usefully turn onto the content of our teaching?

Perhaps our students need more than ‘language skills’ in a narrow sense.
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If we are to equip them properly for their future, equip them for life, perhaps we need to also think in terms of teaching the art of life. This set of skills is highly prized by employers, but usually neglected by educators.
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Introducing effective, systematic development of these skills into our classroom is a major challenge. This session outlines some ways in which we might go about meeting that challenge.

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Data: 2010-12-08
Organizator: MACMILLAM
Miejsce: Internet
Rodzaj: Teaching the art of life - MACMILLAN INTERACTIVE WEBINARS