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British Council

Teaching for Success – konferencja online dla nauczycieli


W dniach 5–9 października British Council organizuje po raz pierwszy globalną konferencję online poświęconą tematyce ustawicznego rozwoju zawodowego nauczycieli (continuing professional development – CPD). Na program konferencji składa się ponad 60 sesji prowadzonych przez prelegentów z całego świata oraz panele dyskusyjne.

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Teaching for Success online conference - Day 2 programme

Conference programme - Day 2.
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Thursday 6 October 2016

Kerilee Barrett, Sandra Randall - Taking responsibility for professional development

In this presentation, Kerilee and Sandra talk about the large-scale ELTDP project - an initiative to develop teachers' skills in Malaysia.

Date: 6 October 2016

Time: 12.45pm - 13.15pm UK time (find out what time this is in your country)

Join this talk: http://britishcouncil.adobeconnect.com/towards_development/

The ELTDP was a project to develop English teacher skills in Malaysian Primary schools in Borneo. A key performance indicator was sustainability in which teachers would continue to develop their skills long after their mentors had left. Acting as mentors, we worked with around 40 teachers in Tawau, Sabah. Initially, we started off providing input and facilitating sessions that teachers identified as important, such as phonics and language arts.
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After each session teachers were asked to reflect, as this was considered an essential skill for teachers to take responsibility for their own development. As more highly skilled teachers were identified, we asked them to provide input in small sessions which eventually grew into full sessions developed with support.

Over a period of 18 months a core group of teachers planned and delivered sessions for their colleagues in their areas of expertise. Those who started off extremely shy ended up confidently presenting whole sessions, organising venues and catering as well. Teachers of other subjects attended some sessions and cascaded back to their own subject groups, going on to use some of the methods presented.
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Seven teachers presented at a British Council conference for the project, one presented at the BC ELTECS conference in Myanmar and one presented at the MELTA/ASIA TEFL conference. Due to unforeseen circumstances the mentors had to leave early, however, the teachers continued and developed a local area-wide forum for teachers, increasing participation to all local schools. This case study looks at what was done to successfully have teachers take responsibility for their professional development and how this was achieved, and how this could be replicated in other contexts.

About the speakers: Speaker information will appear here soon.

Register for the conference
http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/kerilee-barrett-sandra -randall-taking-responsibility-professional-development
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Data: 2016-10-06
Organizator: British Council
Miejsce: internet
Rodzaj: Teaching for Success online: Kerilee Barrett, Sandra Randall - Taking responsibility for professiona