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British Council

Teaching for Success – konferencja online dla nauczycieli


W dniach 5–9 października British Council organizuje po raz pierwszy globalną konferencję online poświęconą tematyce ustawicznego rozwoju zawodowego nauczycieli (continuing professional development – CPD). Na program konferencji składa się ponad 60 sesji prowadzonych przez prelegentów z całego świata oraz panele dyskusyjne.

Udział w konferencji jest bezpłatny.
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Teaching for Success online conference - Day 2 programme

Caroline Rodger - Looking back, aiming forward

In this talk, Caroline talks about reflecting on our achievements as teachers and setting goals for the future.

Date: 6 October 2016

Time: 14.15 - 14.45 UK time (find out what time this is in your country)

Join this talk: http://britishcouncil.adobeconnect.com/looking_back_aiming_forward/

With our students, we often look back at their previous achievements and help them set manageable goals for the future.
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But do we always do that with our own continual professional development (CPD)?

The first part of this talk will look back at our previous CPD and reflect on the journey so far. We will look at the reasons for and benefits of recording your CPD. We will explore easy and quick ways to keep all your developmental information up to date.

The second part of the talk will aim forward. We will use the British Council CPD Framework to mark out where we currently are. We will also look at where we want to be and the steps we need to take to get there.
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We will look at how to create SMART goals to keep us developing and moving forward in this ever changing profession.

About the speaker:

Caroline Rodger has been teaching for over seven years in a variety of contexts in Europe, Asia and South America. She has recently completed the Delta and is currently ADoS at IH Buenos Aires. At the moment she is enjoying promoting reading to her younger learners and focusing on writing with her proficiency students.

Register for the conference
http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/caroline-rodger-lookin g-back-aiming-forward
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Data: 2016-10-06
Organizator: British Council
Miejsce: internet
Rodzaj: Teaching for Success online: Caroline Rodger - Looking back, aiming forward