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Wydawnictwo Macmillan serdecznie zaprasza na bezpłatną konferencję metodyczną dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego pod hasłem TEACH BIG

29 stycznia (piątek) 2016 roku w Legnicy
Hotel Qubus, ul. Skarbowa 2

Sesje metodyczne poprowadzą doświadczeni trenerzy,
nauczyciele oraz autorzy publikacji metodycznych
Czesław Kiński i Jacek Łagun


09.30 – 10.00 Rejestracja uczestników

10.00 – 11.10 Sesja dla nauczycieli szkoły podstawowej
Beyond the grade - giving effective feedback though formative assessment

Materiały konferencyjne:  Ocenianie kształtujące. Praktyczny przewodnik dla anglisty.

11.10 – 11.30 Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja uczestników

11.30 – 12.40 Sesja dla nauczycieli szkoły podstawowej, gimnazjummoraz szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
Memory works - how to help your students remember what they learn
Materiały konferencyjne:  Train your Brain.
Ideas and activities for remembering easily and revising wisely.

12.40 – 13.00 Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja uczestników

13.00 – 14.20
Sesja dla nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
Deep in thought - helping students improve language competence
Materiały konferencyjne:  Nowość! Password 2 książka ucznia
 Let’s Play Use of English for Matura.
seminarium angielski .
Zestaw ćwiczeń w formie gier.

Prosimy o dokonanie rejestracji na konferencję poprzez wypełnienie krótkiego formularza on-line.

Czesław Kiński
A graduate of the Teacher Training College in Olsztyn and the University of Gdańsk, Czesław is now an academic teacher and a PhD candidate at the University of Warmia and Mazury.
His other professional affiliation is the English Perfect school of languages, where he is a teacher and Assistant Director of Studies. Czesław is also an UCLES examiner and a regular speaker at IATEFL conferences. With 15 years of experience in teaching all age groups and all levels, he’s never completely satisfied with his work and always looks for something new. His professional interests include public speaking, group dynamics and the influence of culture on language acquisition.
In his free time Czesław is an amateur guitarist, a long-distance runner and a keen concertgoer.
Married, with the lively and lovely Zuzia and Bartek completing the household. Finally, enigmatically as it sounds, he is quite often referred to as ‘the xero-brother’.

Jacek Łagun
Jacek Łagun graduated from the Teacher Training College in Olsztyn in 1996 and acquired an MA from the University of Gdańsk in 2000. He has been teaching for 15 years, starting
from a group of 10-year-olds, moving on a year later to teach Grammar School students for three years. He has been teaching in English Perfect since 1997 where he became
an Assistant Director of Studies in 2007. His professional experience also includes being an UCLES examiner since 2003 and being a lecturer and a PhD candidate at the University of
Warmia and Mazury since 2007.
Group dynamics and positive motivation as well as the use of controversial and taboo topics in teaching English comprise the main areas of his professional interests. In his free time he is
obsessed with basketball being a ‘stat-rat’, a fan, an amateur player and a coach for two groups of children aged 7 to 11. He also enjoys running and cycling, occasionally indulging
himself in triathlon attempts. He loves his wife and two sons.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Finally, enigmatically as it sounds, he is quite often referred to as ‘the other of the two’ or ‘the xero-brother’

Beyond the grade - giving effective feedback though formative assessment
Traditional assessment by grades has recently been the subject of more than a few heated debates. Some say that it is a functional and troublefree system that serves its purpose relatively well, whereas others see it as a necessary evil and would rather abandon it if only there was such a possibility.
While we do not argue against grades as such, we believe that they should not be the only form of feedback we give. For this reason, we would like to suggest a complimentary approach: using formative assessment (‘ocenianie ksztatujące’) in the primary English classroom as an ongoing and motivating system of communication between the language teacher, students and their parents. We strongly believe that this system will foster learning, encourage self-reflection and enhance the quality of relationships in the classroom and beyond.

Memory works - how to help your students remember what they learn
Some people tend to see memory as a big bag into which you just throw words, phrases and bits of language, hoping to find them once you need to use them. We believe that memory is like a machine which uses different mechanisms to work properly. It's not enough just to push the START
button as its wheels need regular oiling to work effectively.
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Similarly, the process of remembering starts when the words or phrases are met for the first time and, then, continues when they are revised again and again in many different ways.
In our presentation, we'd like to share our favourite ways of making the wheels of memory machine turn smoothly. We'll demonstrate how you can help your students make the input material meaningful for them. Additionally, we'll show how students can support their future revisions with
effective and brain-friendly methods of recording language. Finally, we'll present practical and effective ways of revising the material both in short- and long-term perspective that can be used by students at any level.

Deep in thought - helping students improve language competence
As the reports on Egzamin Maturalny have shown in the last few years, our students’ results in the Use of English and Writing sections are consistently lower than in Reading and Listening. While the gap between lexico-grammatical skills and receptive skills has always existed, it is the extent of the gap that we find particularly worrying.
We believe that in order to improve their linguistic competence, our students have to be involved in conscious language study from beginning to end. We are going to demonstrate how to help students discover language patterns, how to give them opportunities to process language effectively, and also how to help them deal with the challenges within the Use of English tasks. Last, but not least, we’d like to show why Polish
teachers of English are potentially at an advantage when it comes to teaching for matura. The examples we are going to use will mostly come from Password, the new flagship Macmillan course for Polish upper secondary students.

Zarejestruj się teraz >>
http://www.macmillan.pl/component/conferences/?task=register&id= 176&miejsce=legnica
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2016-01-29
Organizator: Wydawnictwo Macmillan
Miejsce: Legnica
Rodzaj: TEACH BIG Konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego