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Wydawnictwo Macmillan serdecznie zaprasza na bezpłatną konferencję metodyczną dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego pod hasłem TEACH BIG

26 stycznia (wtorek) 2016 roku w Białymstoku
Dom Technika NOT, ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 2

Sesje metodyczne poprowadzi doświadczona trenerka,
autorka publikacji metodycznych oraz egzaminator maturalny
dr Anna Parr-Modrzejewska

09.30 – 10.00 Rejestracja uczestników

10.00 – 11.10 Sesja dla nauczycieli szkoły podstawowej
Unboxing formative assessment – the what, the why and the how

Materiały konferencyjne: Ocenianie kształtujące. Praktyczny przewodnik dla anglisty.

11.10 – 11.30 Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja uczestników

11.30 – 12.40 Sesja dla nauczycieli szkoły podstawowej, gimnazjum oraz szkół ponadgimnazjalnych

Memorable lessons for primary and secondary English classrooms

Materiały konferencyjne: Train your Brain.
Ideas and activities for remembering easily and revising wisely.

12.40 – 13.00 Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja uczestników

13.00 – 14.20
Sesja dla nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
Password: Matura! Developing student’s grammatical and lexical competence.

Materiały konferencyjne: Nowość! Password 2 książka ucznia
 Let’s Play Use of English for Matura.
seminarium angielski .
Zestaw ćwiczeń w formie gier.

Prosimy o dokonanie rejestracji na konferencję poprzez wypełnienie krótkiego formularza on-line.

dr Anna Parr-Modrzejewska
Anna Parr-Modrzejewska is a graduate of Łódź University where she completed her PhD on teaching English to early primary students at Zakład Psycholingwistyki i Dydaktyki Języka Angielskiego where she is currently employed. She has been a dedicated teacher of all levels and age groups since 2001. Apart from young and very young learners her favourite
pupils are last year secondary school students preparing for their final exam. Anna has been working as a Director of Studies at Profi-Lingua language school in Łódź since 2005.
At academic level Anna specialises in introducing students to the enchanted world of language teaching and helping them understand that teachers change the world. Anna
also has two BA diplomas, in Polish and in Early Years Education, which helps her understand the learning process, especially in children. Her professional interests include
teacher training, exam courses, bilingual education and cognitive development.

In her private life she is a mother of two adorable daughters with whom she spends far less time than she would like to but she tries to keep a healthy balance between learning,
teaching and parenting.


Unboxing formative assessment – the what, the why and the how Assessment is an integral part of formal education. Students are constantly evaluated and provided with teacher’s judgement on their performance and mastery of the curriculum. If it is done mostly or exclusively with numerical grades, the problem is that the learner is placed in relation to others in the class but does not necessarily know what s/he can do to improve.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Shouldn’t the aim of assessment be to form a path of development for each student that will help him/her to achieve their full potential? How can we, as teachers, build the system of assessment that is both beneficial for our students and informs us in a reliable way about
their progress?
In this session we are going to look at the elements of formative assessment (‘ocenianie kształtujące’) that are - in my view and experience - essential for our learners’ success in an English classroom. We will explore a number of practical applications of formative assessment techniques that work at different levels to make our teaching of English more time-efficient. We will discuss how to build a coherent strategy of formative assessment in small steps, how to provide comprehensible and motivational feedback, how to communicate our requirements in a clear way and how to guide students in their self-development.


Memorable lessons for primary and secondary English classrooms

Do you remember your first kiss? The way to your work? How to ride a bike? What makes some things more memorable than
others? How can we teach so that students remember better and for longer? Learning a language is especially reliant on
memory because you can’t simply forget a part of material after a test and never come back to it. Our students have to remember not only the new information at hand, but all of what they have learnt so far.

What we, as teachers, need to do is apply a variety of techniques that prevent learners from forgetting what they have already mastered while feeding in new information so that it sticks to their minds.
seminarium angielski .
In this session we are going to investigate the ways our students’ brains acquire, store and retrieve information. We will look at a number of simple, ready-to-use ideas that support learning, memorizing and recalling words, phrases and grammar structures through effective uses of context, image, review and
revision. In sum, this session is bound to be truly unforgettable!


Password: Matura! Developing student’s grammatical and lexical competence
Of all the parts in the final exam, use of English proves to be the most challenging for the students. Recent exam results show that this part is, by far, the most troublesome for the students. Fixed word collocations, prepositional phrases or phrasal verbs slip students’ minds as they tend to be unfamiliar and not easily translatable. What can we do to help our students make friends with these really foreign elements of English and score higher at the exam?

In this session I’ll argue that we need to create conditions for deep processing, expose our students to these elements in
a variety of contexts and through different channels, and raise their metalinguistic awareness so that they avoid the traps of
literal translation. We’ll focus on how we can help our students improve their grasp of English structures so that they are well
equipped to face the challenge of use of English at matura. Some illustration will come from Password, the new flagship
Macmillan course for Polish upper secondary students.

Zarejestruj się teraz >>
http://www.macmillan.pl/component/conferences/?task=register&id= 166&miejsce=bialystok
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2016-01-26
Organizator: Wydawnictwo Macmillan
Miejsce: Białystok
Rodzaj: TEACH BIG Bezpłatna konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego