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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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Gimnazjum z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi, ul. Twarda 8/12, Warszawa

16/11/2013 - British Culture: The Truth Behind the Stereotypes

Norman Davies wrote in the introduction to his book “Europe” about a British MP who was quoted as mentioning “1000 years of British history” in Parliament. As Mr Davies pointed out there hasn’t been 1000 years of British history, it’s only a few decades older than the U.S.A.
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So, you think you know what Britain is (it’s not even technically the same as the U.K. by the way!) What is Britain exactly? Where did it spring from? What does it mean to be British exactly?

We are going to bust the myths of this most miss quoted Island and find out the truth behind the stereotypes that make up GB. We will charter our way through the great British legend of a Welsh King Arthur and discover the difference between Briton and Britain. We will journey along the history of just how it was formed and from what.
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But, of course, it wouldn’t be really about Britain without discussing what really made it “Great” in the eyes of the world. Empire! Love it or loath it, the British Empire was not all that bad…was it?

After we have filled ourselves with history it will be time to move on to some more positive studies, now. Yes, it’s not all horror abroad in foreign lands; it is also the fruits that it brought back home. What do you know about the world and the international community? Let’s take a quiz and try some exotic traditions.
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But why, this is Britain? But now it’s a multi-ethnic one and there’s a whole world out there to discover in here.

Prowadzenie: Simeon Wren, aktor i nauczyciel, absolwent Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama w Glasgow

Godziny zajęć: 10:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30, 15:00 – 16:30

Cena: 120zł/dzień; 100zł ze zniżką Pearson Direct


Kontakt: info@naukabezgranic.pl

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2013-11-16
Organizator: NaukaBezGranic
Miejsce: Warszawa
Rodzaj: TEACHER TRAINING: British Culture: The Truth Behind the Stereotypes.