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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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Co Państwa uczniowie wiedzą o Szkocji? Czy wiedzą kim był William Wallace? To pewnie wiedzą. A wiedzą, co to jest kilt albo Hogmanay? To pewnie też… Ale czy słyszeli o tossing cabers albo racing sheep? A o może wiedzą kim jest Nicola Sturgeon? O tym i innych ciekawostkach związanych ze Szkocją opowie rodowity Szkot.

Warszawa – 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 listopada

9:00-10:00; 12:45-13:45 STRANGE SCOTLAND
Minimum age: 10+ Level: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate

Scotland; a country of men in kilts eating sheep innards and drinking whisky.
seminarium angielski .
But there is more to this strange mountainous rainy little place and real-life Scotsman William Home takes you on an adventure through some of its more interesting quirks, from tossing cabers to frying Mars bars to racing sheep. A fun and interactive class you may just discover a more amusing side of a country as well as the more traditional Lochs, Glens and Hogmanay.

10:15-11:15; 11:30-12:30 SCOTLAND: FIGHT FOR FREEDOM
Minimum age: 13+ Level: Intermediate / Upper-intermediate

From William Wallace to Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland has had a long fight to gain its freedom from the English. William Home, from the Scottish Borders, takes you on a journey throughout a history of glorious victories and even more glorious defeats.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Starting out with the First War of Independence, portrayed in the film ‘Braveheart’, to a wee Bonnie Prince Charlie and his Jacobite Rebellion and onto a modern day failed referendum on independence. What does the future hold in this still very contemporary and divisive issue?

Bilety: 18zł/uczeń/warsztat; 30zł/uczeń/dwa warsztaty jednego dnia

Warsztaty w Państwa szkole: naukabezgranic@gmail.com

William Home grew up in the Scottish Borders before moving to Newcastle to study for a degree in International Politics. After finishing the course he moved to Madrid to complete his CELTA training, and after doing so worked in a couple of summer camps in Asturias in the north of the country and a private academy of the island of Ibiza. His next few years were taken up with traveling. After helping a friend set up a charity in Nepal he travelled through India and Burma, before spending a year in Australia.
seminarium angielski .
Once he returned to Europe he continued traveling and working in the Balkan states before going on an extended trip throughout Portugal, Spain and France. He returned to Scotland to work for three months with a charity trying to regenerate the native Caledonian forests in the north and returned to teaching again too, this time in a summer school in Edinburgh. After this he found himself in Greece futilely attempting to help refugees not become a humanitarian disaster before returning once more to Edinburgh for another period of summer schools and Fringe festivals. This will be now his first visit to Poland.

Rezerwacja na wydarzenia otwarte:
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2016-11-25
Organizator: NaukaBezGranic
Miejsce: Warszawa
Rodzaj: St Andrews Day's z Williamem Home: Warszawa 21-25 listopada - ostatnie miejsca!