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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
NaukaBezGranic- Europejski Program Edukacyjny
zaprasza na:

Dziwni, fascynujący Brytyjczycy i ciekawostki, jakich nie znajdziecie w podręcznikach. A do tego język, którego nie usłyszycie w szkole. Zapraszamy na warsztaty.

Nick Clowes

25/11 Łódź, 2/12 Poznań, 9/12 Warszawa,
15/12 Katowice, 16/12 Kraków

9:00 – 10:00; 12:45 – 13:45 WEIRD BRITAIN
Wiek: 10+, Poziom: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate

People are strange.
seminarium angielski .
We know this. They always have been and will continue to be for the rest of time. However, in one small corner of the world, people have taken being weird to the extreme, even made it into an art form like sculpture or poetry. Welcome to weird Britain, the home of warm charming, toe wrestling, cheese racing, nettle eating and many more weird and wonderful events and colourful characters. In this workshop we’ll take a lot at the extremely weird side of Britain and maybe try a few weird events ourselves.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
You had better be ready for things to get really weird.

10:15 -11:15; 11:30 - 12:30 STREET ENGLISH
Wiek: 13+, Poziom: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate

Good day there, how do you do? – Ever heard a native speaker talk like this? Have you ever heard a native speaker ask, “How are you?” The chances are good that you haven’t. The way that English speakers change their language depending on who they speaking to is quite dramatic.
seminarium angielski .
In this session, we will be looking at the way in which native speakers speak to each other day to day. Just remember to leave your regular phrase book at home, ‘Hello’ and ‘How are you?” Will definitely not be needed geeza!

Bilety: 18zł/uczeń/warsztat; 30zł/uczeń/dwa warsztaty jednego dnia

Rezerwacja na wydarzenia otwarte: http://naukabezgranic.pl/rezerwacja

Warsztaty w Państwa szkole: naukabezgranic@gmail.com

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2016-11-25
Organizator: NaukaBezGranic
Miejsce: Łódź
Rodzaj: STREET ENGLISH, warsztat dla grup zorganizowanych.