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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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IATEFL Poland, Oxford University Press oraz Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
mają przyjemność zaprosić na konferencję


26 kwietnia 2010 roku,
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Aula Bibliteki Uniwersyteckiej im J. Giedroycia,
Białystok, ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 14.

W programie:


Wystąpienie Pana Sławomira Nowikowskiego, IATEFL Polska.


Geoff Tranter
Developing Intercultural Competence in the English Classroom

Intercultural competence is inseparable from linguistic competence. Communication between people from different cultures is difficult to achieve without the appropriate skills in both competence areas. But what do we exactly mean by “intercultural competence”, is it a question of knowledge? Can it be trained? And if so, how? This practical classroom-oriented workshop will try to provide practical answers to all these questions and give answers that teachers at all levels can put into practice themselves while using the normal course books that they work with.
seminarium angielski .



Geoff Tranter
Using Humour in the Classroom to Develop Language and Intercultural Skills

Have you ever been together with a group of English native speakers who suddenly burst out into laughter for reasons you fail to understand? It's usually quite embarrassing. One of the major reasons for such embarrassment is that there are a number of humour conventions that you need to know. This workshop will present examples of such conventions many of which can be used in the classroom to increase learners' awareness. The workshop will also show how humour can be used as a practical activity to promote language and intercultural skills - and as a spin-off, will hopefully also provide a couple of hours of relaxing laughter.

Geoff Tranter For almost ten years Geoff Tranter has been regularly attending the IATEFL Conferences in Poland and Hungary offering a number of workshops and plenaries on a range of topics relating to the CEF, testing and general teaching methodology. He is now a free-lance consultant for a wide range of educational institutions and ministries including Ministries of Education and the German Federal Civil Aviation Authority.

Przerwa kawowa

Ewa Rumistrzewicz
Blended learning with New English File – getting students to talk

In recent years classroom work has tended to be very grammar led and this often produces disappointing results when it comes to speaking.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
This session will look at some of the ingredients of a successful speaking class; motivating topics, high frequency words and phrases related to that topic, and systematic pronunciation practice that gives students the confidence that they will be understood. Preparing students at home for talking in the classroom is a challenge which can be solved by using an online workbook – a complete novelty to accompany New English File this year.

Ewa Rumistrzewicz has been a teacher trainer for over 10 years. Since the launch of the educational reform in 1999 she has been giving workshops and presentations to teachers of English. As a Teacher Training Manager at Oxford University Press she designs training programmes for teachers and writes ELT presentations. She also teaches history of children’s literature at the Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce.

Uczestnicy sesji otrzymają książkę New English File Advanced Student's Book.


David Baker
Formal writing – how can we support our students beyond the classroom?

Formal writing (academic essays, presentations, correspondence, etc.) is a difficult skill to teach, as much of the work necessarily goes on outside the classroom. In this presentation I will look at ways of supporting trainee writers. I will focus on the two key skills for formal writing: preparing and structuring written work, and learning and correctly using relevant vocabulary.
seminarium angielski .
I will take some examples of practical solutions from the new (8th) edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

David Bakeris co-author - with Michael Swan - of Grammar Scan (OUP, 2008), and was editorial manager of the third edition of Swan’s Practical English Usage. He taught English in France in the late 1980s, both at the University of Paris and in a number of business training centres. He completed a Master’s degree in English and Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge in 1991 and joined Oxford University Press the following year. From 1999 to 2004, he was Publishing Manager for Grammar and Reference in OUP’s ELT Division. He left OUP in 2005, and currently works as a freelance materials writer and publishing consultant. He is co-author (with Richard Clark) of the forthcoming course on ‘Finance’ in the Oxford English for Careers series.

Ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc, uprzejmie prosimy o potwierdzenie uczestnictwa na stronie internetowej http://www.wydawnictwo.oxford.pl/wydarzenia/wydarzenie,568,powiat,216,page.html.

W czasie konferencji będzie możliwość zakupu najnowszego wydania słownika Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary oraz innych publikacji z 20% rabatem.

Serdecznie zapraszamy!
Konsultant Metodyczny Oxford University Press
Wiesława Gierłachowska-Bałdyga, tel. kom.: 605 100 346

http://www.wydawnictwo.oxford.pl/wydarzenia/wydarzenie,568,powia t,216,page.html
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2010-04-26
Organizator: IATEFL Poland, Oxford University Press oraz Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
Miejsce: Białystok