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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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Oxford University Press
Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli
zapraszają na
Oxford Spring Training Day

19 marca 2010 roku
Zespół Szkół nr 11

ul. Jabłoniowa 23

W programie:

Dla nauczycieli klas 1-3 szkół podstawowych

Weronika Sałandyk
“Mixed age, mixed ability, mixed anything”
An English lesson in the first grade has always been an adventure – on their first day at school students in their starched shirts and elegant skirts or trousers may look alike, but in fact they are as different as chalk and cheese. They have always come with different knowledge of English, different skills, concentration span and learning abilities. These days they are also of different age since you get 6 and 7-year-olds in one group.
seminarium angielski .
What to do to make each of them develop to their very best? And, equally important, what to do to make them all fit together? This session offers a handful of ideas for teaching mixed groups in the first grade of primary schools.
Uczestnicy wykładu otrzymają egzemplarz nowego wydania podręcznika New Sparks Starter.

15:45-16:15 przerwa

Dla nauczycieli klas 4-6 szkół podstawowych

Julietta Schoenmann
“Making vocabulary meaningful and memorable”
We all know how important words are for our students. A wide range of vocabulary is key to successful communication and vital in supporting our students' ability to read, write, listen and speak. But we know that our students learn in different ways and some learn words more easily than others.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
So how can we help our students remember words and, more importantly, how can we present vocabulary effectively? Come along to this session for some practical tips and techniques on how to make your vocabulary teaching meaningful and memorable.
Uczestnicy wykładu otrzymają egzemplarz nowego wydania podręcznika New English Zone 1 wraz z dodatkiem My Vocabulary Book.

Weronika Sałandyk graduated from the English Department at the Silesian University. She worked as a teacher, teacher trainer and Director of Studies in a private language school for eight years. Now she is a teacher in a private primary school in Gliwice. Weronika is particularly interested in developing her own teaching materials, games and activities.

Julietta Schoenmann has been a language teacher and teacher trainer for over twenty years, working in state and language schools in China, Eritrea, Turkey, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. She has been training teachers and trainers in countries as diverse as Bangladesh, Serbia, Thailand and Libya but also works on assignments such as developing training materials and curriculum reform.
seminarium angielski .
Her educational interests include teacher development in low resourced environments and promoting learner engagement in the classroom.

Nauczyciele biorący udział w konferencji otrzymają certyfikaty uczestnictwa w Oxford Spring Training Day.
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Ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc, uprzejmie prosimy o potwierdzenie uczestnictwa w konferencji na stronie www.oxford.pl w dziale „Wydarzenia”.

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Konsultant Metodyczny Oxford University Press
Ewa Czarnojan, tel. kom.: 605 100 356

Konsultant Metodyczny Polanglo
Agnieszka Kot, tel. kom.: 695 450 288

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2010-03-19
Organizator: Oxford University Press oraz Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli
Miejsce: Koszalin
Rodzaj: Oxford Spring Training Day