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Wydawnictwo Pearson zaprasza na marcowe konferencje pt.:
Make an Educated Choice.

Warszawa - konferencja dla nauczycieli gimnazjów i szkół ponadgimnazjalnych

Warszawa | 2012-03-09

DATA: 9 marca 2012
MIEJSCE: NOT, ul. Czackiego 3/5, Warszawa


10:30 – 11:00
Rejestracja uczestników

11:00 – 12:00

The Right Side of Writing, Piotr Steinbrich
Sesja dla nauczycieli szkół gimnazjalnych

Writing is often seen as a challenging, solitary and laborious activity.
seminarium angielski .
As a result, the skill is neglected in the classroom and delegated as a homework task. The purpose of writing is to demonstrate learners' ability to use the language correctly and attend to the issues given in the task, with the communicative goal receiving little or no attention.

The session will look at the writing skill more closely. We will be paying special attention to writing as a process in which learners work collaboratively and to achieve a communicative goal.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
We will also look at ways of how to mark writing without having to spend hours correcting every blatant departure from what is considered standard English.

Przerwa kawowa


The New Curriculum: a Straightjacket or a Shopping List, Anna Sikorzyńska
Sesja dla nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych

In my presentation I would like to encourage teachers to redefine and appreciate their role in the contemporary world. We will discuss teachers’ everyday dilemmas such as: teaching fluency vs. accuracy, teaching for exams or teaching the language, teaching grammar or skills and look at ways in which these apparently conflicting goals can be reconciled. We will also look at the new curriculum for upper-secondary as a useful tool in planning teaching.
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I will try to demonstrate how good and flexible language teaching materials can empower teachers and make their and their learners’ life easier and more autonomous. The talk will be illustrated with materials from Matura CHOICES, a new course for upper-secondary students.

więcej informacji, rejestracja:

http://www.pearson.pl/angielski/konferencje-szkolenia/konferencj e-szkolenia-lista/warszawa-konferencja-dla-nauczycieli-gimnazjow-i-szkol-ponadgimnazjalnych.html -i-szkol-ponadgimnazjalnych.html
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2012-03-09
Organizator: Wydawnictwo Pearson
Miejsce: Warszawa
Rodzaj: Make an Educated Choice: konferencja dla nauczycieli gimnazjów i szkół ponadgimnazjalnych.