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Wydawnictwo Pearson zaprasza na marcowe konferencje pt.:
Make an Educated Choice.

Bydgoszcz - konferencja dla nauczycieli gimnazjów i szkół ponadgimnazjalnych

Bydgoszcz | 2012-03-20

DATA: 20 marca 2012
MIEJSCE: Hotel City, ul. 3 Maja 6, Bydgoszcz


10:30 – 11:00
Rejestracja uczestników

11:00 – 12:00

Breathing New Life into Teaching Writing, Katarzyna Pogłodzińska
Sesja dla nauczycieli szkół gimnazjalnych

As teachers, we expect our learners to become, with our help, of course, fluent not only in oral skills but also in writing.
seminarium angielski .
How do we see ourselves as writers? Do we write a lot ? How much writing do our teenage students do, both in L1 and L2? How to encourage learners to write more in L2? Who should evaluate and respond to learners’ writing? What does Cinderella have to do with writing?

Please, come to my session if you want to find the answers to the above questions. We will see how to integrate writing with other classroom activities involving not only reading but also speaking and listening.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
I’d also like to suggest some practical examples of writing tasks which are both communicative and motivating for our teenage students and above all in line with the Core Curriculum and the Gimnazjum Exam requirements.

Przerwa kawowa


Teacher Choices Learner Choices, Jeremy Day
Sesja dla nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych

In many ways, successful teaching is all about the choices we make all the time as teachers.
seminarium angielski .
Which activities in our coursebooks do we spend more time on? How can we supplement them? Which ones can we do quickly? Which ones should we skip altogether? Which ones are more important in the light of the new curriculum? We also constantly make choices based on our learners’ needs and our own teaching situations, such as time limitations and the technology that is available to us.

But it’s not only teachers who can make choices in the classroom: our learners are alsoempowered and more engaged when they have some say in what happens in their lessons – which is wonderful as long as it doesn’t descend into chaos. In this presentation, I’ll examine some practical ways we can use coursebooks in a more flexible way. I’ll use examples from Matura ChoicesPre-intermediate, part of a brand new series of coursebooks, which has a strong emphasis on flexibility, both for learners and for teachers.

więcej informacji, rejestracja:

http://www.pearson.pl/angielski/konferencje-szkolenia/konferencj e-szkolenia-lista/bydgoszcz-konferencja-dla-nauczycieli-gimnazjow-i-szkol-ponadgimnazjalnych.html w-i-szkol-ponadgimnazjalnych.html
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2012-03-20
Organizator: Wydawnictwo Pearson
Miejsce: Bydgoszcz
Rodzaj: Make an Educated Choice: konferencja dla nauczycieli gimnazjów i szkół ponadgimnazjalnych.