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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

Wydawnictwo Nowa Era ma zaszczyt zaprosić nauczycieli języka angielskiego do udziału w Roku Odkrywcy. Inauguracją Roku będą Warsztaty Odkrywcy „My Place in the World” przeznaczone dla nauczycieli gimnazjum. Zaraz potem zapraszamy na warsztaty „Exploring Matura, Exploring the World” dla nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych.


This is about teachers’ successes and big smiles on students’ faces and amazing project work that can result from creative and imaginative teaching approach. English is so much more than a subject. Teaching is about exploring, opening the doors, showing opportunities and educating as well as learning from the students, who have so much to bring into the lesson. It’s about the world out there and the world right here. This talk is an open invite to all teachers who would like to take part in the second edition of the „Moje miejsce na Ziemi” competition in spring 2010. It’s also a chance for those who are using English Explorer to see how powerful and amazing using the course, the National Geographic and the competition can be to students and what a huge difference it makes.

The talk begins with a short journey back in time to the 1920s and a look at the John Watson and Little Albert experiment which later paved the way for the audio-lingual method of teaching language.
seminarium angielski .
Then it moves on to a brief overview of the latest methodology in ESL teaching. Teaching has changed enormously over the past decades, and so have the materials we use in the classroom. This workshop will give us a chance to look at what its like to teach English and prepare for the Matura exam when you have both Matura Explorer and National Geographic subscription in hand. It can be an altogether new experience. And a very refreshing one.

Exploring Matura, Exploring the World

Wszyscy uczestnicy warsztatów otrzymają egzemplarze okazowe podręczników English Explorer i Matura Explorer oraz inne publikacje oparte na materiałach National Geographic. Zaprosimy Państwa również do udziału w konkursie, w którym do wygrania będą atrakcyjne nagrody. Każdy z uczestników otrzyma certyfikat potwierdzający udział w warsztatach.
Ze względu na konieczność wcześniejszej rezerwacji miejsc prosimy o potwierdzenie udziału
w spotkaniu pod numerem infolinii 0 801 88 10 10, dla dzwoniących z telefonów komórkowych
0 58 721 48 00, lub pocztą elektroniczną na adres heinle@nowaera.pl. Zgłoszenia telefoniczne przyjmujemy w godzinach 8.00-19.00 od poniedziałku do piątku. Prosimy o podanie przedmiotu, proponowanej daty i miejsca spotkania. Ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń.


David Evans

is a writer, broadcaster and teacher trainer.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
He is the author of nineteen English language teaching books and has given talks and workshops in over 40 countries around the world. He spent ten years as a radio producer for the BBC World Service and has also acted as a consultant author to some of the top names in British business. In 2002, he received the Duke of Edinburgh’s English Language Award from Prince Philip at Buckingham Palace.

John Cudak

was born and raised in Chicago, now resides in Warsaw where he teaches English. He first came to Poland at the age of six, and spent most of his childhood summer vacations here. After completing two years at the Warsaw University of Technology, he went back to the States to pursue theatrical design interests and worked as stage carpenter and special event organizer in New York City. Years later he came back to Poland to teach English at the Chełm Teacher Training College.

Nick Sheard

has been involved in English language teaching, teacher training, materials writing and publishing since 1990. Nick taught English in France, China, Colombia and the UK from 1990 – 1998. Nick also worked as an author and he contributed material to several well-known series, including International Express (OUP), In Company (Macmillan) and Inside Out (Macmillan). In 2005 Nick left teaching and joined Macmillan Education as a full time editor. Since 2009 Nick has been working for Heinle ELT as Publisher for Poland.
seminarium angielski .
Nick currently lives in a village near Oxford with his wife Hanne and sons Finn and Noah.

Bulent Akman

teaches English in Warsaw. He was awarded both his bachelor’s degree in Cinema Studies and his certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language from the University of Toronto, Canada in 2001. For nearly a decade, Bulent has taught students of all ages and class sizes. His present interests include project based learning and technical writing. His hobbies are snowboarding and horses.

Cindy Hauert

was born in the USA and always wanted to be an English teacher. She achieved her goal after completing a Master’s Degree at the State University of New York in 1984 when she moved to Paris, where she taught at the Sorbonne. She moved to Switzerland in 1987 and since then has taught English and given many teacher training workshops. She also travels regularly to Africa to give teacher training workshops and admire the wildlife. Cindy is involved in fund raising and teacher to teacher scheme aimed at saving the Matopo Primary School in Zimbabwe.


Wojewódzki Ośrodek Metodyczny
Al. Jana Pawła II 126/130
Bulent Akman

Hotel Grand
ul. Piotrkowska 72
Bulent Akman

więcej na:
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2010-04-09
Organizator: Nowa Era
Miejsce: Częstochowa
Rodzaj: MY PLACE IN THE WORLD / Exploring Matura, Exploring the World