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Teaching for Success: the Classroom and the World

Future Learn platform and the British Council introduce Teaching for Success: the Classroom and the World, a free online course.
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The course is a part of our Teaching for Success: Practices in English Language Teaching program.

This British Council Teaching for Success: Practices in English Language Teaching program will help English language teachers understand and plan their own professional development needs and share their experience with other teachers around the world.

The British Council’s Continuous Professional Development Framework identifies 12 different practices that teachers should consider as they plan their professional development inside and outside the classroom.
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From planning lessons and courses to promoting 21st century skills, the Framework is a practical guide for teachers in all situations.

The Teaching for Success program looks at the 12 professional practices in three areas:

Lessons and Teaching
Learning and Learners
The Classroom and the World
Taken in any order, the three courses will equip any English language teacher with the tools they need to take responsibility for their own CPD.
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Each course will look at four professional practices, explain their importance to the continuously developing teacher, and offer a range of practical advice and suggestions, as well as the opportunity to interact with fellow teachers around the world.

In the Teaching for Success: Lessons and Teaching course you will look at four professional practices:

Integrating ICT
Promoting 21st-century skills
Using multilingual approaches
Understanding educational policies and practice.
The course duration is 4 weeks, with about 2 hours of study required per week.

The course is aimed at teachers of English as a foreign language at all levels. Intermediate level English (around B1 on the CEFR) is required.

The course will be useful for teachers of English at primary, secondary or higher levels.

https://www.britishcouncil.pl/en/events/mooc-teaching-success-le ssons-and-teaching
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Data: 2018-09-11
Organizator: British Council
Miejsce: online
Rodzaj: Kurs online Teaching for Success: the Classroom and the World (11.09.18 - 09.10.18)