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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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Oxofrd University Press i Polanglo

zapraszają na cykl konferencji dla szkół językowych i wyższych uczelni pod tytułem:

Teaching - Testing – Tracking Progress

8 września
Hotel Marriott
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Jerozolimskie 65/79
Sale: Congress Hall, Bałtyk III
12.00-13.00 (plenary)
Benefits of Online Testing for Summative and Formative Assessment

The two ends of the spectrum
14.15-14.45 coffee break
14.45-15.45 (sesje równoległe)
Teaching as Attention Management
/ Improving key

Warto uczestniczyć w tych wydarzeniach z wielu powodów:

Wyjątkowi prezenterzy – autorzy książek New English File, English Result, Business Basics
Inspirujące wykłady zawierające ważne informacje o najnowszych publikacjach wydawnictwa
Nowe narzędzie pozwalające oszczędzić czas i pieniądze, a jednocześnie podwyższyć skuteczność nauki - oxfordenglishtesting.com

Wartościowe upominki - każdy uczestnik spotkania otrzyma:

- egzemplarz podręcznika New English File Beginner
- egzemplarz podręcznika English Result Intermediate
- egzemplarz podręcznika Business Result Advanced
- kod do Oxford Placement Test – unikalnego testu poziomującego online

Ponadto każdy lektor wyższej uczelni otrzyma zestaw kuponów zniżkowych dla studentów.

Zapraszamy do następujących miast:
Lublin – 7 wrzesnia
Warszawa – 8 wrzesnia
Krakow – 9 wrzesnia
Katowice – 10 wrzesnia
Wroclaw – 11 wrzesnia

Partnerami imprez są:
The Teacher
Oxofrd University Press i Polanglo

Martyn Clarke
Benefits of Online Testing for Summative and Formative Assessment
In this presentation, we examine the features of summative and formative assessment that might be involved in an exam course, and analyse oxfordenglishtesting.com – an innovative online testing service – for its ability to support these areas of assessment. If you’ve ever felt that getting through those pile of tests is just a little too much for you on top of all the other demands of a modern English teacher, then this talk will help to lift the weight from your shoulders. Learn how oxfordenglishtesting frees up teachers to teach by providing an efficient system for Testing Students, Tracking Progress and Recording Results. You will see how institutions, teachers and students can benefit from the Oxford Online Placement Test, Practice Tests and the Oxford English Testing Learning Management System.

Christina Latham – Koenig
The two ends of the spectrum
On the face of it the Beginner and Advanced levels would seem to have little in common. However our experience of writing these two levels back to back has shown us that certain preconceived ideas that we have as teachers about these two levels may be less true than we think. In this talk we will be looking at some of these ideas, and questioning their validity. Examples to illustrate the conclusions that we reached will be taken from New English File Beginner (published 2009) and New English File Advanced (to be published in 2010).

Mark Hancock
Teaching as Attention Management
In order for our teaching to be motivating and effective, we need to manage our students' attention. First of all, we need to attract their attention through the materials and topics we present. Secondly, we need to maintain their attention through the tasks we ask them to do. Thirdly, we need to direct their attention to those aspects of language and learning which will help them to make progress.
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In this talk, we will look at the ways we propose to reach these three objectives in English Result.

Bob McLarty /Ewa Rumistrzewicz

Improving key performance areas for Business English students
Research on Oxford University Press’ new five-level Business English course suggested that the key areas for improvement amongst Business English students, both at work and in higher education were communication skills, written accuracy and vocabulary. In order to work in English advanced students need to be operational in four areas; Presenting, Telephoning, Meetings and Negotiating. Their vocabulary needs to be extensive with a full range of common collocates. In terms of writing their grammatical knowledge needs to be reflected in email, letters and reports.
Using extracts from Business Result Upper-Intermediate and Advanced and the interactive CDs which accompany this series the workshop will investigate:
how grammar and vocabulary can be presented in an authentic context how speaking underpins a communicative syllabus
how to practise brainstorming, briefing and impromptu presentations how to get learners closer to native speaker levels
how to use case studies effectively how to plan and monitor self-study efficiently. We will also look at the speaking tests provided at each level and discuss their usefulness as teaching aids and assessment tools.
The workshop will provide a full presentation of Business Result and all its components.


Robert McLarty
Robert McLarty is Publishing Manager for ESP and Business English at Oxford University Press. He is co-author of Business Basics, Quick Work Elementary, and Business Focus. From 1979 -2004 he managed private language schools in Paris and Oxford providing ESP courses for the pharmaceutical, construction, aviation, finance, and many other industries.

Mark Hancock
I started teaching English in Sudan in 1984. Since then, I’ve worked in Turkey, Brazil and Spain. In 1996 I completed my Msc in Teaching English with Aston University.
seminarium angielski .
My first book was Pronunciation Games (CUP 1995). Since then, I’ve written Singing Grammar (CUP; 1998), English Pronunciation in Use (CUP 2003) and co-written Pen Pictures (OUP 1999), as well as a course book series for Spanish secondary New Ways to Go (CUP) and Polish upper primary Winners (OUP). I'm currently working on English Result, a 4-level general English course for adults (OUP 2008). My approach to teaching and materials writing is to try to creatively engage the students' interest and motivate them.

Christina Latham-Koenig
Christina Latham-Koenig was born in London and studied classics at St Anne’s College, Oxford University. She started her career in TEFL in 1976, teaching at International House, and she later taught at the British Council, both in Spain and in the UK. She got a distinction in the RSA Diploma in 1987, and then became a local supervisor for this course in Spain. She has worked as a teacher trainer for both native and non-native teachers of English. She lives in Valencia, and she started collaborating on the English File series in 1995, as co-author of English File 2. Since then she has co-written the Intermediate and Upper-intermediate levels with Clive Oxenden, and all levels of New English File. She and Clive are currently working on New English File Advanced. In recent years she has given talks and workshops in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, France, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK.

Martyn Clarke
Martyn Clarke is a freelance ELT teacher trainer, teacher, and materials writer. He has worked with teachers and students in UK, Europe, SE Asia, Africa, South and Central America. He is an experienced Cambridge exams teacher and oral examiner, and an associate lecturer on post-graduate teacher training programmes.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2009-09-08
Organizator: Oxford Press University i Polanglo
Miejsce: Warszawa
Rodzaj: Konferencja Teaching - Testing – Tracking Progress - Hotel Marriott Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79