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31 maja
Hotel Novotel Centrum,
ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 5.

Biznesowo i profesjonalnie zapraszamy Państwa na Business English Days w Krakowie i Warszawie, zorganizowane przez nas we współpracy z IATEFL Polska i LCCI International Qualifications. Konferencje poświęcone metodologii nauczania i egzaminowania Business English poprowadzą doskonali mówcy i znani na świecie eksperci: Nick Brieger, Paul Emmerson, Jarosław Kawałek, Dr Alaric Campbell Rae.

Program konferencji:

10:00 - 11:00 Rejestracja uczestników
11:00 – 12:00 Preparing Candidates for LCCI IQ Business English Exams with Dr Alaric Campbell Rae (LCCI IQ)
12:10 - 12:40 Using Technology to Teach Business English with Jarosław Kawałek (IATEFL)
12:40 - 13:15 Przerwa kawowa
13:15 – 14:15 Ten Top Tips for Business English Teachers with Paul Emmerson (Macmillan)

NICK BRIEGER is one of the four directors of York Associates. After a first degree in law and an M.A. in Applied Linguistics, his early career included language training and teacher training, mainly in Europe. In the 90’s, the accelerated demand for English as a Global Language took him to Asia, where he helped spread the word about the need to develop English language competence amongst those interested in pursuing international careers.
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In recent years, he has worked closely with a range of major international organisations in both the public and private sectors on communication and intercultural training programmes.

Since its emergence on the ELT scene in the late 1970's, Business English has evolved through three key phases:
1. The early years (late 70s to late 80s): focus on language development around specialist areas, influenced both by ESP and communicative methodologies
2. The mid years (late 80s to late 90s): focus on communication skills in a business context, especially presentations, meetings, phoning, negotiating, and socialising, influenced by ideas on communication effectiveness (the total message) in contrast to linguistic accuracy
3. Emerging trends: focus on competences to reflect changing global working patterns, e.g. internationalisation of corporate HQ, virtual international teams, influenced by psychology (especially psychometrics), sociology and anthropology.
In this talk, I’d like to look at where we have come from and map out some possible ways forward for Business English so that it can continue to serve business communities.

In 1999 Alaric achieved his BSc Hons in Physical Geography at Coventry University and was awarded his PhD in 2004. He gained valuable teaching and assessment experience while lecturing at Coventry University on the undergraduate and Foundation degree programmes and assessing undergraduate coursework. After a brief period of time gaining valuable commercial experience working in the UK banking industry, Alaric returned to the Education sector in 2005, taking a position as a Qualifications Executive at EDI.
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This role involved taking responsibility for EDI's existing portfolio of LCCI English Language Qualifications and managing development of new qualifications. Based on his performance in that role, Alaric was promoted to Qualifications Manager in 2007 and given additional responsibilities, which include promoting LCCI Language Qualifications and researching market opportunities. In addition to these responsibilities, Alaric is an associate member of the UK's Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors and is an A - level examiner for another leading UK awarding body.

The focus of this talk will be on how to best prepare candidates and help them achieve their full potential when undertaking an LCCI Business English qualification. It will cover best practice in teaching and exam preparation techniques. Emphasis will also be placed on the LCCI assessment process in general and specifically, details of the English for Business assessment criteria and required standards.

JAROSŁAW KAWAŁEK is a teacher trainer and a lecturer in ESP at Rzeszow University and the University of Information Technology and Management . He has gained considerable experience in ELT management working as Deputy Head of the Foreign Languages' Department of UR, project manager and the president of IATEFL Poland.
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His interests include the use of ICT in ELT, ELT management, teacher development and intercultural communication.

Session: USING TECHNOLOGY TO TEACH BUSINESS ENGLISH In this session, we will explore the main ideas behind Web 2.0 tools and look into their implications for education. From interactive materials, blogs, wikis and podcast to online communities and social networking websites. Brave new world technologies or common teaching tools? COME AND FIND OUT!

PAUL EMMERSON works as a writer, teacher and teacher trainer. He is a co-author of The Business , a brand new Macmillan course series, the author of Business Builder, Business Grammar Builder, Email English and Business English Handbook (Macmillan), Business English Frameworks as well as Five Minute Activities for Business English (CUP). He teaches at the International House Executive Centre, London, and has worked as a teacher trainer all over Europe. He has an MA in Applied Linguistics and is a regular presenter at international conferences.

Session: TEN TOP TIPS FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH TEACHERS Here are my ten top tips for Business English teachers – ideas and techniques that I’ve been using successfully in my own teaching. Some are ‘big picture’ issues with practical implications, others are things to try on Monday morning.

Konferencje są bezpłatne - prosimy o rejestrację na stronie http://BEdays.iatefl.org.pl/ (uwaga liczba miejsc ograniczona). Pakiet materiałów konferencyjnych zawierał będzie certyfikat uczestnictwa oraz egzemplarz okazowy podręcznika The Business Upper-Intermediate Student’s Book and DVD-ROM. Uwaga! Specjalne losowanie nagród! 2 główne nagrody to vouchery na bezpłatne przystąpienie do egzaminu LCCI IQ "Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English".
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Data: 2008-05-31
Organizator: Macmillan
Miejsce: KRAKÓW
Rodzaj: Konferencja Business English Days