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9 February
Hotel Kyriad Prestige
ul. Towarowa 2
Constance Jones

Interaktywne warsztaty metodyczne


Wszystkich zainteresowanych udziałem w interaktywnych warsztatach metodycznych prosimy o rejestrację na naszej stronie internetowej lub telefonicznie:
infolinia - 0801 340 444 (opłata jak za połączenie lokalne TP SA).
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Potwierdzenie udziału w warsztatach - 15 minut przed rozpoczęciem wykładu.


Nauczycieli szkół podstawowych - godz. 11.00
FAIRYLAND - 7 Ways to Become a Star Teacher (Interactive Whiteboard Demo Lesson)

What makes a star teacher? And what makes primary learners interested and willing to learn English?
The answers to these questions are provided in our new FAIRYLAND series which offers an arsenal of ready-made ideas that can efficiently and effectively be used in the classroom.
seminarium angielski .
The series itself does wonders for young learners, and – when used together with the innovative Interactive Whiteboard Software – constitutes the creative conversion of classroom teaching (and learning) into a more powerful, memorable and meaningful experience.
With this demo lesson we will illustrate the richness of suggestions for getting every child actively involved. Also, we will update you on recent changes in the syllabus.
One American novelist once said, “Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater”. By employing the 7 ways you can become a star teacher and thus increase the impact of your teaching.

Nauczycieli gimnazjów - godz. 12.30
Discover the interactive Power of ACCESS (Interactive Whiteboard Demo Lesson)

Are you craving for new and innovative teaching techniques? Coveting more attractive lessons? Curious as to what “interactive power of ACCESS” means?
Join our presentation and you will be thrilled to experience the Express Publishing Philosophy of Teaching.
During this demonstrative lesson, based on our brand new ACCESS Interactive Whiteboard Software, we will show you how to beef up your lessons with up-to-date technology. As we want to make it practical all the way through, we will present a range of activities, including those that prepare for the gimnazjum exam.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

We will also hand out essential information on the new curriculum that was introduced by the Ministry of Education, as it may affect teachers’ work in Polish schools.
Link up with us to discover the interactive power of Express Publishing!

Nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych - godz. 14.00
UPSTREAM Goes Interactive with 21st Century Technology (Interactive Whiteboard Demo Lesson)

Make the difference in your classroom by introducing top quality education and opening the "doors of perception"! Students raised on computers demand new teaching styles, and new technologies are now revolutionizing the “Net Generation’s” expectations.
The successful UPSTREAM series keeps abreast of the latest trends in teaching and moves with the times. Thanks to the Interactive Whiteboard Software, it truly becomes the book of the 21st century. Through interactive activities it allows the class to work together as a group, increases student motivation and brings fun into the classroom. Students, especially those with high-tech interests, will be happy to work with such a modern tool – after all, chalk and talk are no longer an option for this generation!
By joining the demo lesson you will not only have a chance to indulge yourself in attractive activities, but also to gain knowledge on those changes in the syllabus which has lately been revised by the Ministry of Education.
One Chinese proverb says, “Teachers open the door.
seminarium angielski .
You enter by yourself”. During this presentation we hope to open the door to a 21st century classroom which students will be eager to enter.

and a bit more!

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Express Publishing i Egis z 20% rabatem.


Constance Jones
Born and raised in Australia, Constance Jones holds a B.A. in English Literature. She has attended courses & seminars concerning TEFL. Previously, she held the position of the Director of Studies in a large school in Greece. She has been teaching English for 10 years. Her interests focus on writing English language books for young children and she is a member of the Children’s Institute of Literature. For the last years she has been a supervisor for the Cambridge Examinations and is currently working for Express Publishing as an English Language Teaching (ELT) Consultant and International Speaker.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2009-02-09
Organizator: Express Publishing
Rodzaj: Interaktywne warsztaty metodyczne