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Konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli gimnazjum i liceum


29 sierpnia (poniedziałek) godz. 11.00
Zielona Góra, Hotel Qubus, ul. Ceglana 14a

10.30 - 11.00 Rejestracja uczestników

11.00 - 12.15 GIMNAZJUM
Trener: Mikołaj Szajna
Sesja metodyczna: Lesson planning revised or what really should be there
Materiały konferencyjne: Nowy Egzamin Gimnazjalny 2012. Przykładowe arkusze egzaminacyjne dla poziomu podstawowego i rozszerzonego.

12.15 - 12.30 Przerwa

12.30 - 13.45 LICEUM
Trener: Mikołaj Szajna
Sesja metodyczna: Say it right. Assessing speaking for the new oral matura exam

Materiały konferencyjne: Vademecum maturalne.
seminarium angielski .
Kompendium wiedzy o kryteriach oceniania i zasadach punktacji matury ustnej.

Mikołaj Szajna

holds an MA with distinction in English Studies from the University of Gdańsk, where he majored in linguistics with an emphasis on translation. His first teaching experience was a monthly teaching practice at Lycee de Presles in Cusset, France, during which he got bitten by the teaching bug. He has been involved in ELT for 5 years now teaching mainly advanced students, exam preparation and ESP courses.
Since 2007, he has been working as a teacher, language consultant and teacher trainer for Archibald Language Centre.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
He is currently doing post-graduate studies in English for Medicine at Koźmiński University in Warsaw.
In his spare time, which lately has become a bit of an abstract concept, he learns French, tries to cook (with mixed results) and misses the Baltic Sea and nice fresh fish.

Lesson planning revised or what really should be there

Not every well-planned lesson is a good one, just like not all of the lessons played by ear are bad ones. If drawn up in a sound way, a lesson plan becomes a great help, a scaffolding on which we can build on, by adding various elements as need arises.

But what should these elements really be? Energizers or coolers? A very tight task sequence or a lot of room for improvisation. Centred around one topic only, or a collage made up from a whole range of grammar, vocabulary, listening, writing and reading exercises? And most importantly perhaps, how can we plan our lessons in such a way that we help our students pass the final exam with flying colours?

Say it right.
seminarium angielski .
Assessing speaking for the new oral matura exam

In this session we will take to pieces the new oral matura exam, focusing on the criteria against which students will be assessed. The structure of the oral exam has changed and in order to prepare students well for it, we have to know exactly what they are expected to do with each of the tasks, what they need to avoid, and how they can win/lose precious points.

We will discuss the criteria in detail by having a look at some mock video recordings, which will be our training material for evaluating and grading students taking the exam. As pronunciation has become one of the exam criteria, we will also discuss the importance of teaching it in class, and ways of selecting and developing materials that can improve our students’ pronunciation in a relatively short time.

Zobacz multimedialne zaproszenie i dowiedz się więcej o konferencji na www.macmillan.pl

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2011-08-29
Organizator: Macmillan
Miejsce: Zielona Góra
Rodzaj: EXAM RESCUE PRACTICE & EVALUATION - konferencja matodyczna dla nauczycieli gimnazjum i liceum