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Konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli gimnazjum i liceum


31 sierpnia (środa) godz. 11.00
Lublin, Hotel Mercure Unia Lublin, Al. Racławickie 12

10.30 - 11.00 Rejestracja uczestników

11.00 - 12.15 GIMNAZJUM
Trener: dr Grzegorz Śpiewak
Sesja metodyczna: Exam GYM: Ready, Study, Goal!
Materiały konferencyjne: Nowy Egzamin Gimnazjalny 2012. Przykładowe arkusze egzaminacyjne dla poziomu podstawowego i rozszerzonego.

12.15 - 12.30 Przerwa

12.30 - 13.45 LICEUM
Trener: dr Grzegorz Śpiewak
Sesja metodyczna: For your eyes only? On grading & teaching new oral matura
Materiały konferencyjne: Vademecum maturalne.
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Kompendium wiedzy o kryteriach oceniania i zasadach punktacji matury ustnej.

13.45 - 13.55

Losowanie nagrody specjalnej ufundowanej przez biuro podróży ATAS – tygodniowego wyjazdu szkoleniowego do Londynu!

Dr Grzegorz Śpiewak
holds a double MA in English & Linguistics (University of Essex, UK and University of Warsaw) and a PhD in Linguistics (University of Warsaw 2000). He has been a lecturer at the institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw since 1992, Head ELT Consultant for Macmillan Polska, teacher trainer, methodology adviser, ELT materials' writer, former president of IATEFL-Poland, founder and president of DOS-Teacher Training Solutions.

His track record in ELT publishing consists in numerous articles, reviews and a few minor pieces, including a series of grammar contrast boxes and grammar summaries for the ForMat course series, grammar sections for L!VE 2 and L!VE 3 (all published by Macmillan Polska) and a section on Polish in Learner English edited by M. Swan & B. Smith, CUP. As a consultant he has also contributed to Macmillan’s best-selling Revise ForMatura Repetytorium. His most recent publication is another bestseller: Egzamin Gimnzajalny.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Repetytorium z testami (co-author: Marta Rosińska, Macmillan 2008).

Exam GYM: Ready, Study, Goal!
Gimnazjum learners and teachers are soon about to embark on a year-long marathon race, leading to the revised final examination. The hurdles are quite familiar by now: the new extended level, the new task types, the daunting list of grammar structures. Our teenage runners will need a good coach more than ever, to advise them on how to pace themselves most effectively along the way.
That’s where this session comes in. I’ll review the new gimnazjum exam requirements and the ways in which they should shape an effective exam workout programme. I’ll be looking at how grammar and lexis are tested in the exam, examining the writing component, and above all showing a multitude of ideas and activities to help you devise a fast track for your students’ exam success. Some of these will come from the new version of the bestselling Egzamin Gimnazjalny.
seminarium angielski .
Repetytorium z testami
For your eyes only? On grading & teaching new oral matura
Judging from the countless comments made by colleagues around the country in recent months, there seems to be a lot of uncertainty about the precise meaning of the revised oral matura criteria. Even more worryingly, the information does not seem to be reaching those who are going to be most affected: the matura candidates and their teachers.
That’s just what my session sets out to amend. Given the limited time at our disposal, it will be an ultra-fast, super-intensive hands-on training in how to assess authentic samples of matura candidates’ output (based on sample transcripts and video recordings). With some do’s and don’t’s for examiners, and a few tips for how to work with the criteria as a teaching tool. Mission impossible in just under 60 minutes? Come and find out for yourself…

Zobacz multimedialne zaproszenie i dowiedz się więcej o konferencji na www.macmillan.pl
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2011-08-31
Organizator: Macmillan
Miejsce: Lublin
Rodzaj: EXAM RESCUE PRACTICE & EVALUATION - konferencja matodyczna dla nauczycieli gimnazjum i liceum