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Konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli gimnazjum i liceum


30 sierpnia (wtorek) godz. 10.00
Bielsko-Biała, Park Hotel Vienna, ul. Bystrzańska 48


9.30 - 10.00 Rejestracja uczestników

10.00 - 11.15 GIMNAZJUM
Trener: Anna Parr-Modrzejewska
Sesja metodyczna: The fashion for a tailor-made exam focused lesson
Materiały konferencyjne: Nowy Egzamin Gimnazjalny 2012. Przykładowe arkusze egzaminacyjne dla poziomu podstawowego i rozszerzonego.

11.15 - 11.30 Przerwa

11.30 - 12.45 LICEUM
Trener: Anna Parr-Modrzejewska
Sesja metodyczna: Try walking in their shoes. Assessing new oral matura
Materiały konferencyjne: Vademecum maturalne.
seminarium angielski .
Kompendium wiedzy o kryteriach oceniania i zasadach punktacji matury ustnej.

Anna Parr- Modrzejewska
is a graduate of Łódź University and a PhD student at Zakład Psycholingwistyki i Dydaktyki Języka Angielskiego where she is currently working on her dissertation on CLIL in early years education. She has been a dedicated teacher of all levels and age groups since 2001. Her favourite pupils however, are last year secondary school students preparing for their final exam. Anna has been working as a Director of Studies at Profi-Lingua language school in Łódź since 2005.
At academic level Anna teaches practical English, translation and conversation but she specialises in introducing students to the enchanted world of language teaching and helping them understand that teachers change the world. Anna also has two BA diplomas, in Polish and in Early Years Education, which helps her understand the learning process, especially in children. Her professional interests include teacher training, exam courses and bilingual education.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

The fashion for a tailor-made exam focused lesson.
Getting dressed well is a difficult skill which requires the ability to make good decisions about choosing among a multitude of clothes the ones that match and suit the owner best. An exam book is like a wardrobe full of options from which we may select the ones which seem perfect for our students, and the teacher is like a fashion designer creating lessons like new attires from a wealth of available activities in such a way that they are attractive and respond to learners’ needs.
In this session, we will look at the art of making a well structured lesson focused on exam practice with the view to awakening an imaginative designer hidden in every teacher, who will ensure that his students on the day of the exam are dressed to kill.
The session will be illustrated with examples from the new version of the bestselling Egzamin Gimnazjalny.
seminarium angielski .
Repetytorium z testami.
Try walking in their shoes. Assessing new oral matura.
The new format of the oral exam calls for a new approach to assessment, which in turn creates a demand for an adequate exam preparation on the part of the teachers. It goes without saying that we are better able to fulfill this task successfully if we know what will be expected of our students and exactly how their final performance will be evaluated.
In this workshop, we are going to look at students’ struggle as seen by a prospective examiner. We will try our hand at assessing their oral exam performance in order to formulate the bases for our own in-class exam training so that, putting it into practice, we can make sure that their final performance will be adequate.

Zobacz multimedialne zaproszenie i dowiedz się więcej o konferencji na www.macmillan.pl
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2011-08-30
Organizator: Macmillan
Miejsce: Bielsko - Biała
Rodzaj: EXAM RESCUE PRACTICE & EVALUATION - konferencja matodyczna dla nauczycieli gimnazjum i liceum