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Konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli gimnazjum i liceum


29 sierpnia (poniedziałek) godz. 11.00
Białystok, Dom Technika NOT, ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 2

10.30 - 11.00 Rejestracja uczestników

11.00 - 12.15 GIMNAZJUM
Trener: Marta Rosińska
Sesja metodyczna: Helping the helpless
Materiały konferencyjne: Nowy Egzamin Gimnazjalny 2012. Przykładowe arkusze egzaminacyjne dla poziomu podstawowego i rozszerzonego.

12.15 - 12.30 Przerwa

12.30 - 13.45 LICEUM
Trener: Marta Rosińska
Sesja metodyczna: Master Matura Speaking
Materiały konferencyjne: Vademecum maturalne.
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Kompendium wiedzy o kryteriach oceniania i zasadach punktacji matury ustnej.

13.45 - 13.55

Losowanie nagrody specjalnej ufundowanej przez biuro podróży ATAS – tygodniowego wyjazdu szkoleniowego do Londynu!

ZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ na konferencję online >>

Marta Rosińska
is a graduate of Łódź University where she specialized in modern British drama. She also completed Advanced Diploma in Language Teaching Management. Since the graduation, she has been working for the English Language Centre in Łódź as a teacher, teacher mentor, teacher trainer and, since 2005, the school’s Director of Studies. Marta loves teaching, inventing new class activities and preparing ELT materials. She runs workshops across Poland and is a regular speaker at the international conferences. She is an experienced ESOL examiner of FCE, CAE and CPE and an exam supervisor.

Marta has co-operated with various publishers but for the last 10 years she has been a dedicated member of Macmillan Polska team of authors and trainers. She wrote ForMat Workbooks, ForMat 3 Teacher's Book, testsbooks and additional materials for Inspiration. She also co-authored the two best-selling publications of the Macmillan Repetytorium series: Egzamin gimnazjalny. Repetytorium z testami and Matura.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Repetytorium z testami. Her most recent publication is the new Macmillan Matura course, Matura Masters.

Helping the helpless
The new gimnazjum exam is for many a teacher a great cause of concern. This is due to a number of facts, namely the reading and listening sections being made more challenging and two completely new parts: the use of english section and the writing section. This means the students should interpret and manipulate vocabulary and grammar at both passive and active levels. At the same time most teachers face classes full of learners whose language competence may seem inadequate.
In the light of the above I would like to present a variety of ways in which the teacher can teach the students the minimum to achieve the maximum. I will be showing strategies which will help the teacher select or unselect the relevant lexical and grammatical items to allow students to deal with the exam tasks with confidence.
seminarium angielski .
Additionally, I intend to focus on teaching the skill of writing, which is also a good excuse to practise vocabulary and grammar.
Master Matura Speaking

The new speaking exam has become a reality, which means we, teachers, have to adopt ways of dealing with new exam tasks, different marking criteria and students’ anxiety. The new test involves more skills and sub-skills than the previous version, seems less mechanical and requires from the student a far greater linguistic and functional competence.
Therefore in my session, I would like to dissect the current exam criteria, concentrating in particular on (a) what skills the learner should be equipped with to confidently tackle the exam and (b) how the present marking scheme affects exam preparation strategies. The workshop will offer plenty of hands-on activities to help your learners master exam speaking skills.

Zobacz multimedialne zaproszenie i dowiedz się więcej o konferencji na www.macmillan.pl
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2011-08-29
Organizator: Macmillan
Miejsce: Białystok
Rodzaj: EXAM RESCUE PRACTICE & EVALUATION - konferencja matodyczna dla nauczycieli gimnazjum i liceum