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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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NaukaBezGranic nie zapomina o nauczycielach!
Przedstawiamy Państwu - SZKOLENIA dla nauczycieli i lektorów języka angielskiego:

Najbliższe szkolenie:
9 grudnia 2012 – Warszawa

prowadzenie: Simeon Wren
absolwent Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama

8 godzin zajęć, dużo pomysłów na lekcje!

Cena: 110 zł / dzień, cena Pearson Direct: 93 zł / dzień.
Godziny szkoleń: 10:00 – 11:30, 11:45 – 13:15, 14:30 – 16:00, 16:15 – 17:45

Drama is without a doubt an excellent and underused teaching skill in the EFL arena.
seminarium angielski .
Its use of language in action is superb for developing fluency and text based work, for encouraging students to make that very important leap of transposing words from the page into vocal use. However anyone can bang out a role play on the computer for their class or improvise a scene spontaneously in the lesson, regardless of how silly they may look, but the question is, is it really useful? Are we using it in a constructive way for language skills? The problem is that whatever you use drama for, whether it is for therapy or languages; you can’t control it unless you know how to use it. The only way to solve this is to learn the skills ourselves.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
With Sim, a trained actor at the RSAMD and an EFL teacher with over 5 years of experience we will put ourselves in the students’ shoes and find out the rudimentary skills of acting and in doing so learn the first important EFL tool: improvisation. Drama like anything else has to be flitted to specific purposes, and improvisation is no exception. In the theatre and film they say no improvisation is really improvised there is always a structure and an objective. We will learn how to structure them for the students to get the most out of their fluency practice, base it around specific vocabulary and grammar and all by trying it in a step by step bite size way that will bit by bit build the students confidence without scaring them away. We will then move on to creating and writing our own improvisations in a workshop that will give everybody a chance to create some of their first drama materials.
seminarium angielski .
Following on from this we will have learnt how a play is really written, through actions which will move us on to text work and using the dreaded role play effectively. We will look at directing the students, teaching them accent for character which will in turn become a tool for pronunciation, play devising workshops and how to use them with the students as an effective communicative tool and even throw in a little Shakespeare for fun, why not?

Informacje o szkoleniach dla nauczycieli 2012-2013 oraz formularz zapisów:

Kontakt: info@naukabezgranic.pl
Tel: 781-669-187

http://www.naukabezgranic.pl/index.php/teacher-training-2012-201 3/
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2012-12-09
Organizator: Nauka Bez Granic
Miejsce: Warszawa
Rodzaj: DRAMA IN ELT szkolenie dla nauczycieli