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Oxford University Press: Creativity in the Language Classroom


Dates: 28th and 29th August 2013
Times: 09:30 - 11:00 and 14:00 - 15:30 (BST)
Speaker: Charles Hadfield

Every utterance made in a new language is essentially creative, as it is new activity for the learner, who is exploring an unfamiliar world and pushing boundaries. This can be a very frightening experience.
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Encouraging learners to explore the new language through creative activities in class can help them develop ownership of this new world, while feeling safe and supported.
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A number of the activities will be demonstrated during the webinar.

Charles Hadfield has worked as a teacher and trainer in many countries across Africa as well as Tibet, China, and across Europe.

A fluent French speaker, he originally trained as a French language teacher, and with his wife Jill has published many well-known teacher books, including the Oxford Basics series. Introduction to teaching English (Oxford 2008) is based on his extensive experience of working with beginner teachers around the world whose first language is not English.

He has worked at the ELA, Auckland University, New Zealand, for ten years, running in-service courses for teachers from Thailand, Korea, Japan, and China, and training teachers for the Trinity College London CertTESOL. In the UK he ran DELTA and CELTA courses, and he is an IELTS examiner.
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Main research interest is 'creativity' in a broad sense, as well as its application / meaning in the foreign language classroom: he is currently working towards a PhD in poetics.

Dates and Times

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http://elt.oup.com/events/global/CreativityInTheLanguageClassroo m?cc=pl&selLanguage=pl&mode=hub
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Data: 2013-08-16
Organizator: Oxford University Press
Miejsce: internet
Rodzaj: Creativity in the Language Classroom, Webinar.