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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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Zapraszamy serdecznie do podnoszenia kwalifikacji z NaukąBezGranic.

Przygotowaliśmy dla Państwa serię spotkań poświęconych nauczaniu języka angielskiego
w ciągu roku szkolnego 2013-2014.
Kursy prowadzone są przez doświadczonych metodyków i nauczycieli.


5/04/2014 British Culture 3: Ireland and Scotland, Simeon Wren

The Gaelic Nations. Yes, that is what they are called. Like the Slavic countries and the Romance languages these two countries have the same origins and a deep connection within their culture. However, it hasn’t always been a happy story as often with neighbours, no matter how much they share.
seminarium angielski .
There are still today communities in Scotland and Ireland that feel a brotherly bond and some who feel an inconsolable difference. But of course there are many who just don’t care living their daily life as a Gaelic Celt enjoying their traditions and customs. So let’s be introduced to them, try them and more importantly enjoy them.

As Scotland and Ireland both have a rich reputation for fun, where better to start than the céilí/cèilidh, there will be the warm folk music they both share blaring out and us together hopping and skipping to the tunes of bagpipes and fiddles.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Now that’s a lesson!

Their rich vernaculars for story telling will be explored through Robert Burns Scots poetry and the extensive folk culture of Ireland with its many cycles of legends and books like the Lebor na hUidre “The book of the Dun cow”.
seminarium angielski .
Do you know your leprechauns from your banshees? Let’s see with a classic supernatural quiz as Ireland and Scotlands’ folklores are oozing with mythical creatures.

And their culture and history doesn’t just stop there, what about today? Well, we have all heard of Polish people in England and America but the Irish and the Scottish were doing the traveling thing years ago but why did they go? Where to? And what did they take? And who were the people? One thing we do know is they took their culture; St Patrick’s day in NY, céilí in nova Scotia, making them truly modern cultures.


Każde szkolenie składa sie z 6 godzin lekcyjnych i prowadzone jest w następujących godzinach:

10:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30, 15:00 – 16:30

Cena obejmuje:

Materiały szkoleniowe
Kawa herbata


Szkolenia odbywają się w samym centrum Warszawym blisko Dworca, w Gimnazjum Dwujęzyczym nr 42 przy ul.Twardej 8/12


Uprzejmie prosimy o kontakt z Kamilą Szostak pod adresem info@naukabezgranic.pl
lub tel.: 781-669-187
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2014-04-05
Organizator: NaukaBezGranic
Miejsce: Warszawa
Rodzaj: British Culture 3: Ireland and Scotland, Simeon Wren