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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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Zapraszamy serdecznie do podnoszenia kwalifikacji z NaukąBezGranic.

Przygotowaliśmy dla Państwa serię spotkań poświęconych nauczaniu języka angielskiego
w ciągu roku szkolnego 2013-2014.
Kursy prowadzone są przez doświadczonych metodyków i nauczycieli.


19/01/2014 British Culture 2: England and Wales, History Can Be Cruel, Simeon Wren

There will be culture, famous people, politics and art. But most importantly at the end you will really know what makes England and Wales very different.

England and Wales; in olden times this would have been a strange hybrid.
seminarium angielski .
The Welsh meaning “foreigner” in old English were once “the Britons” the people that populated the vast majority of the whole of the island of what we now call Britain, speaking various old dialects of the modern Welsh from London to Aberdeen and beyond for thousand of years, they were part of Rome and enjoyed it by and large, they were the “British”. Then came the English “the foreigners”, a bunch of Germans by modern standards. And Briton became Anglia and the Britons, the Welsh and the rest is history. And now they form a single group within the U.K. that runs under the same law “English Law”, the Celtic tribes and the Germanic tribes together. One we hear about and the other we don’t.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Something is not quite right in history, well history can be cruel.

That is what we are going to discover on our route through their past. All will be revealed of how the two came together through sword and fire examining the history and giving us a great opportunity to discover Wales. We will grapple with its language “Siarad Cymraeg”, see performed and perform ourselves its great folk tales from the Mabingoin.

Then moving on to England we will see the contrast with its own folklore and with Simeon Wren a trained actor, enjoy the richness of the accents even get our mouths round them.
seminarium angielski .
Can you speak like a “scouser”, let’s see! What will you learn by this? Well, not just language but also that English culture is not just “tea at 5” and R.P.

Każde szkolenie składa sie z 6 godzin lekcyjnych i prowadzone jest w następujących godzinach:

10:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30, 15:00 – 16:30

Cena obejmuje:

Materiały szkoleniowe
Kawa herbata


Szkolenia odbywają się w samym centrum Warszawym blisko Dworca, w Gimnazjum Dwujęzyczym nr 42 przy ul.Twardej 8/12


Uprzejmie prosimy o kontakt z Kamilą Szostak pod adresem info@naukabezgranic.pl
lub tel.: 781-669-187
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2014-01-19
Organizator: NaukaBezGranic
Miejsce: Warszawa
Rodzaj: British Culture 2: England and Wales, History Can Be Cruel, Simeon Wren