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Oxford University Press: zaproszenie na szkolenia online!

Tym razem wyjątkowo nie zapraszamy Państwa na kawę i herbatę – trzeba będzie zrobić ją samemu, aby w zaciszu domowym przed własnym komputerem wziąć udział w szkoleniach online (popularnie zwanych webinariami).

Approaches to Teaching Academic Vocabulary!

Dates: 31st May 2012

Times: 10.00 - 11.00 and 15.30 - 16.30 (BST)

Speaker: Julie Moore

This webinar refers to and draws on materials and concepts in Oxford EAP

This session focuses on some of the key challenges in teaching academic vocabulary and puts forward some practical suggestions to tackle vocabulary in the EAP classroom.
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It looks at selecting which vocabulary to focus on, how to integrate work on vocabulary into other classroom activities and how to move vocabulary teaching beyond simple lists of words.

http://elt.oup.com/feature/global/upcoming_events/approaches_to_ teaching_academic_vocabulary?tab=register&cc=pl&selLanguage=en
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2012-05-31
Organizator: Oxford University Press
Miejsce: online
Rodzaj: Approaches to Teaching Academic Vocabulary- szkolenia online.