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Nowa Era Heinle ELT Akademia Lektorów – Inauguracja

Wydawnictwo Nowa Era Heinle ELT zaprasza lektorów szkół wyższych oraz szkół językowych do udziału w programie Akademia Lektorów.

Inauguracją programu będzie forum metodyczne, które odbędzie się 25.09.2010 w Warszawie w budynku Wydziału Biologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul.
seminarium angielski .
Miecznikowa 1, sala 103B

Program forum:

10.45 - Drzwi otwarte

11.00 – 11.15 Inauguracja Akademii Lektorów

11.15 – 12.00 Towards better outcomes: satisfying students' needs (and wants) David Hill

As the importance of English in a globalised word continues to grow, and as the language becomes ever more widely available, decisions about what kind of
language students need (and want) become increasingly problematic.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
In this talk, we will consider how we can best give students clear models and clear directions to spoken fluency; what kind of language is worth teaching (and what isn't); how we can set clear, achievable goals - and how we can best hope to strike a balance between meeting students' needs and satisfying their wants.

12.00 – 12.15 - Przerwa

12.15 – 13.00 How has Business English Changed? David Hill

As new students enter the world of work are they prepared for the challenges of the global market? Even small family businesses are negotiating international
deals where the customers may be from the EU and the suppliers from China. In this workshop we will look at practical ways of preparing students for future challenges in the business and social environments using modern language courses.
seminarium angielski .
We will also look at the impact of ELF (English as a Lingua Franca) on global business interaction.

13.00 – 13.15 - Prezentacja rozwiązań technologicznych wspierających pracę lektora

13.15 - Zapraszamy do lektury naszych publikacji i rozmowy z prowadzącym warsztaty oraz konsultantem metodycznym wydawnictwa

Każdy uczestnik spotkania otrzyma okazowy podręcznik wydawnictwa Heinle ELT oraz certyfikat uczestnictwa

Prosimy o potwierdzenie udziału u Konsultanta Metodycznego do 22.09.2010:

Magdalena Seredyńska
Agnieszka Kamińska

David A. Hill is a teacher, teacher trainer and educational materials writer. He has worked in all sectors of education and at all language levels for 40 years. He worked for the British Council, Pilgrims, Canterbury and for NILE, Norwich. He has had a long involvement with IATEFL, and is currently the Coordinator of the Literature, Media & Cultural Studies SIG. He has co-written Smart (Macmillan) and English Explorer (Heinle/Nowa Era) specifically for Poland.
He has also written country/region-specific teaching materials for Kazakhstan, Egypt, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, the Middle East, Morocco, Singapore, China and
the UK.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2010-09-25
Organizator: Wydawnictwo Nowa Era Heinle ELT
Miejsce: Warszawa
Rodzaj: Akademia lektorów - forum metodyczne