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Age-appropriate assessment practices
How to assess effectively in early English education

Szczegóły szkolenia:
Data szkolenia: 8 listopada (czwartek) w godzinach 19:30 - 21:10
Czas trwania: 90 minut + 10 minut przerwy
Typ szkolenia: webinarium
Język: angielski

Dla kogo jest szkolenie?
Nauczyciele j.
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Opis szkolenia:
Would you like to know how to:
- assess your young learners
- include the child in the assessment process
- use assessment tools and processes which take the specificities of early language learning into account?
If your answer is ‘YES, PLEASE!’, then this is the webinar for you!

Czego nauczysz się na szkoleniu?
By attending this webinar you will learn that:
- assessment is not synonymous with testing
- there are a number of tools you can use to successfully engage in formative assessment
- children can be involved in the assessment process
- you can foster learner autonomy through formative assessment
- assessment can be an enjoyable part of the teaching and learning process!

Dlaczego warto?
The focus of assessment has changed over the years and is no longer only a summative activity exercised by teachers on students, ‘assessment of learning’.
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Instead it is considered a formative activity and one in which students are becoming involved in, ‘assessment for learning’ and ‘assessment as learning’. Formative assessment is beneficial to learners for their involvement in the assessment process enables a better understanding of the relevant subject matter and their own learning.

Taking this approach to assessment as a premise, this webinar takes a look at assessment in early language education. It begins by looking at the specificities of language learners from 5 to 10 years old and the importance of developing oral skills.
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We will look at the tools and procedures available to us, with a view to seeing assessment as a way of collecting evidence of progression in language learning. These tools and processes include:
- observation, both systematic and ad hoc
- self-assessment and peer-assessment
- task-based assessment, portfolios and tests.

During the webinar we will also touch on the relevance of informing the children and their parents of the relevance of seeing learning as a journey instead of the final destination. Throughout the webinar a range of practical ideas for successful age-appropriate assessment for children between 5 and 10 years old will be shared.
https://www.macmillan.pl/instytut-rozwoju-nauczycieli/szkolenie/ 34
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Data: 2018-11-08
Organizator: Macmillan
Miejsce: webinarium
Rodzaj: Age-appropriate assessment practices - How to assess effectively in early English education (webina