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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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LT Management SIG are organising a conference in Dublin, May 23-25,

Academic Management: Establishing and Sustaining a Learning Culture

Featured speakers:

Liam Brown, Jenny Johnson, Tony Humphreys, George Pickering

This conference aims to provide a forum for exploring how to establish excellent academic management skills and systems. We also aim to stimulate discussion and reflection on what factors go towards establishing and sustaining a learning culture in the language teaching organisation.
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Leading and managing teams
Motivating teachers
Appraisals, observations, feedback
Papers, presentations and workshops are invited which will provide a variety of perspectives on the above themes.
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If you would like to present, then please complete the attached form or email Jenny Johnson on info@cactustefl.com for more information.

Best regards,
Craig Dennett
SIG & General Administrator

Informacja zamieszczona dzięki: IATEFL

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Data: 2008-05-24
Organizator: ELT Management SIG
Miejsce: DUBLIN
Rodzaj: Academic Management: Establishing and Sustaining a Learning Culture