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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .


Wydawnictwo Pearson-Longman
British Council


• Every participant will receive a gift of Pearson Longman titles related to the sessions
• Special prizes will be drawn: access codes for Longman English Interactive for 1 teacher and a group of 10 students & Market Leader on-line subscriptions for 3 participants
• Special discount 25 PLN off on Longman Dictionary
of Contemporary English 5th Edition will be offered
to all participants


21 maja, czwartek
Hotel Andel’s
seminarium angielski .
Pawia 3

10:30 - 11:00 Registration
11:00 - 12:00 Teaching in Real Life, not Abstract
Grant Kempton
12:00 - 12:30 Coffee break
12:30 - 13:30 Blended Learning in Close-up Peter Moran
13:40 - 14:30 Boost your students’ motivation !
– KET and PET for Schools
Izabela Murzyn-Borzemska, British Council

We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance be registering on-line
at www.pearsonlongman.pl/konferencje 3 days prior to the event
at the latest due to a limited number of seats.

Teaching in Real Life, not Abstract – Grant Kempton
The goal of all language teaching is for our students to eventually perform at least competently
in the target language environment. Yet, how can we be sure of this without creating those real
environments and scenarios in our classes and making them work? We can all conduct abstract
teaching but can we conduct real-life teaching in a limited environment? This workshop will be
looking at making our teaching less abstract and more real-life, particularly looking at the use of
scenarios and case studies.

Bringing Language to Life – Peter Moran
Adult learners, especially business or other ESP (English for Specialist Purposes) often have a
genuine real-world need for the language they are learning and yet lessons often fail to exploit
this fact. Obviously, as one teacher recently remarked, it is hard to bring the world of high finance
into the classroom on demand every Thursday evening! There are ways, however, to create
effective, in-depth contexts for language work: using case studies or real-world scenarios to
ground the language in reality and to provide a springboard for further and deeper language and
skills development.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
This session will look at how to exploit such tools to the full and will include
practical examples of classroom activities and suggestions for their exploitation.

Does Blended Learning Really Work?
Learning Awareness and Learning Technologies – Rob Dean
Three of the latest buzzwords in 21st century education seem to be ‘Blended Learning’, ‘CALL’
and ‘Learner Autonomy’. But what do we mean by these? What is ‘Computer Assisted Language
Learning’, and how can it fit in with a programme of classroom study? Why is Learner Autonomy
a good thing, and how can we promote this? This session will attempt to answer these questions,
and at the same time will look at the possible benefits of blended learning from both the student’s
and the teacher’s perspectives. Come along and find out what it’s all about!

Living up to the Digital Standards – Piotr Steinbrich
The 21st Century student is a digital creature using internet libraries, online dictionaries, study
guides and being able to enjoy more the benefits of blended learning. As blended learning -
when well guided - leads to a greater development of learning awareness, it is only natural
for teachers to promote skills and strategies which differentiate expert learners from novice
seminarium angielski .
In this presentation, we will look at how to manage the teaching process in and outside
the language classroom to ensure successful student’s progress.

Blended Learning in Close-up – Peter Moran
Blended Learning is often seen as the best option for extending the teaching process beyond
the language classroom. When properly organised and monitored by a teacher, classroom
instruction combined with independent learning can bring benefits which more traditional forms
of learning often do not. This session will look at the nature of blended or independent learning
and how it can help to develop learners’ learning skills and awareness. The session will include
examples of typical tasks and some practical suggestions as to how to maximise the teacher’s
effectiveness, including some dos and don’ts of Blended Learning.

Boost Your Students’ Motivation ! – KET and PET for Schools – British Council
Teaching teenagers is a real challenge, motivating them may seem next to impossible...
In this presentation we will show how the Cambridge Tests – KET and PET for Schools, tailored
to suit the interests and experience of teenage learners and brimming with real life skills, provide
a rich source of enthusiasm, inspiration and motivation to learn English. We will also provide
ideas for building students’ confidence and efficient exam preparation.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2009-05-21
Organizator: Wydawnictwo Pearson-Longman, IATEFL.pl, British Council
Miejsce: KRAKÓW