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Pozostał tydzień do zakończenia rejestracji na 2 Międzynarodową Konferencje ESP SIG IATEFL Poland 15-16 stycznia 2015 w Lublinie.

Zachęcamy do skorzystania z ostatnich wolnych miejsc.
Rejestrację zamykamy 10 stycznia 2015.

Joanna Rączkiewicz, Sławomir Nowikowski
Conference Organizers

have the pleasure of inviting you to the
2nd IATEFL ESP SIG Conference – 15th/16th January 2015
Venue: Lublin, ul. Głęboka 28, Nowy Gmach Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego
Building A, Room 102, 1st Floor

Conference Programme

Thursday, 15th January 2015

Live Web-Broadcasting Thu 16:00 –19:00 (CET) http://meet97027820.adobeconnect.com/esp-sig-poland_2015/

15.00 Start of Registrations

15.30 – 16.00 Opening Session

16.00 – 16.45 Opening Keynote Speech – Geoff Tranter

Title: The Challenge of ESP Teaching

English for Business Purposes, English for Academic Purposes, English for XYZ Purposes – Most teachers at higher and further education institutions can suddenly face the prospect of having to cope with the situation of teaching English (which they are trained for and have experience in) in a content area, in which they have no or little experience and have not been trained for. Based on an actual concrete example (An Intensive Course in English for Biogas Engineers) we will examine various aspects of planning and a number of classroom techniques in order to assess the extent to which there are differences and similarities compared to general language teaching. The aim: to demystify ESP and to boost teachers’ self-confidence in their ability to teach such courses.

16.50 – 17.30 Workshop Session (1) – Małgorzata Warmińska-Marczak

Title: Teaching ESP: Learner Needs and How to Meet Them

English for Specific Purposes is growing in importance, particularly for young adult learners who have ‘done’ General English and who need a more purpose-oriented direction to their English learning. In this talk we look at the needs of the ESP learner and show how we can deliver material that is relevant, interesting and motivating.
seminarium angielski .
We will look at some ready-made ELT materials as well as the ways of using authentic texts in ESP.

17.30 – 17.45 Coffee / Tea Break

17.45 – 18.25 Workshop Session (2) – Sylwia Filipczuk

Title: Introducing LOAC Vocabulary in a Military Classroom

The presentation will show specific exercises developed by the teacher to introduce and practise vocabulary connected with Law of Armed Conflict for professional soldiers. Exercises are based on authentic materials such as newspaper articles or legal documents, e.g. Geneva Convention integrating the skills of speaking, reading and writing.

18.30 – 19.00 Special Presentation – Geoff Tranter

Title: And Now for Something Completely Different – ESP from a Different Perspective

19.15 - ………. Dinner

Friday, 16th January 2015

Live Web-Broadcasting Fri 9:00 –15:15 (CET) http://meet97027820.adobeconnect.com/esp-sig-poland_2015/

08.30 Registration Continues

09.00 – 09.40 Workshop Session (3) – Dr Agnieszka Dzięcioł-Pędich, Agnieszka Dudzik

Title: Challenges of developing language skills in English for Specific Purposes courses at tertiary level

The presentation will report on some of the challenges that confront Polish ESP teachers in tertiary contexts while helping undergraduates to develop foreign language skills and prepare for entering the labour market. The presentation will also offer some solutions which help bridge the gap between classroom activities and the professional practices of the corporate world.

09.45 – 10.25 Workshop Session (4) – Martin Beck

Title: The learner: a resource to make ESP specific?!

The more specific language testing and teaching becomes, the less interesting it may be for publishers, as such materials do not have the same marketability as general language materials. But needs analyses conducted with participants of ESP Classes seem to indicate a demand for a high degree of specificity. The talk will explore various approaches.

10.30 – 11.30 Open ESP Forum: Short (5-10 minute) Best Practice Presentations

11.30 – 11.45 Coffee / Tea Break

11.45 – 12.25 Workshop Session (5) – Daniel Opydo

Title: YouTube and Student Autonomy in Teaching Specialist Vocabulary

The presentation will show an approach towards specialist vocabulary teaching that leaves 99% of the responsibility to the students.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
With the use of popular science films from youtube.com, the students themselves provide a set of activities that enable them to prepare a lesson and actually teach in front of their colleagues.

12.30 – 13.10 Workshop Session (6) – Radek Krzyżanowski

Title: Communicative Competence in Business Contexts

There’s been a lot of talk about English becoming the lingua franca. It’s particularly relevant in the case of business people travelling to all possible destinations all over the world. A whole range of highly specialized English courses are available, still the majority of non-native speakers find it extremely uncomfortable to speak in informal situations, and we all know this is when people really talk business. ‘Is there a remedy you might ask: Hopefully we’ll be able to answer that question during my session. In the meantime, have a look at an idea I came across on the following blog: ttp://elm200.blogspot.com, posted by EIJI SAKAI A.K.A.:

For example, English should be customized to accommodate the needs of Japanese people when it is spoken in Japan. New vocabulary and expressions should be added to English depending on the English users' demand.

13.10 – 13.40 Lunch Break

13.40 – 14.20 Workshop Session (7) - Małgorzata Wujec, Joanna Kożuchowska

Title: The Challenges of a General Technical English Course for Students at B2 level at Warsaw University of Technology

The General Technical English Course (LOT) is a 30-hour course designed for those students of the Warsaw University of Technology who have already passed the B2 exam but still need technical language background. In our presentation we are going to share our experience after four initial semesters of running the LOT courses. We will talk about challenges and give ready-to-use tips for teachers working at Technical Universities. We intend to suggest useful sources for each field covered by the curriculum of the Foreign Language Centre at WUT.
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14.30 – 15.15 Closing Keynote Speech – Dr Liliana Szczuka-Dorna

Title: English for Specific Purposes: Academic Teachers’ Challenges and Students’ Perspectives

The aim of the talk is to explore the options and problems connected with teaching and learning ESP including questions concerning the right choice of methods enabling students to develop their language skills effectively with an emphasis on professional language competence.

15.15 – 16.00 Closing Session with wine and snacks

The conference is sponsored by the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, MONDIALE-Testing, Pearson, Oxford University Press and Macmillan. The conference fee is 30 PLN for IATEFL Poland members and 60 PLN for non-members. To register for the conference please fill out the online registration form (go to the form) and pay the conference fee by 10th January 2015. The conference fee should be paid to:

Bank Zachodni WBK o/Warszawa
Account no.: 16 1090 1883 0000 0001 0194 5244
Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce - IATEFL Poland
ul. Michałowskiego 4
31-126 Kraków

The numer of seats is limited (180) and the registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance. For more information, please contact the conference organizers: Joanna Rączkiewicz – email: lublin.espsig@iatefl.org.pl, Sławomir Nowikowski – phone: +48 601 219 456

Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego IATEFL Poland od ponad 20 lat zrzesza anglistów ze wszystkich poziomów polskiego systemu edukacji dbając o podnoszenie ich kwalifikacji i wszechstronny rozwój zawodowy organizując szkolenia na terenie kraju i współpracując z organizacjami partnerskimi za granicą, publikując biuletyny i inne materiały szkoleniowe. Przedstawiciele regionalni i koordynatorzy grup szczególnych zainteresowań IATEFL Poland to prężnie działający zespół ludzi pragnących dzielić się swoją wiedzą i pasją.

ESP SIG (English for Specific Purposes Special Interest Group) to grupa osób zajmująca się promowaniem nauczania języków specjalistycznych. Rozwijający się i otwierający na świat rynek pracy wymaga od kandydatów nie tylko biegłości w języku obcym, ale również znajomości języka fachowego niezbędnego do komunikowania się w środowisku zawodowym.

W dniach 15-16 stycznia 2015 roku zapraszamy nauczycieli, lektorów i wykładowców języka angielskiego oraz wszystkich zainteresowanych na 2 Międzynarodową Konferencję ESP SIG IATEFL Poland poświęconą nauczaniu języków specjalistycznych, która odbędzie się w Lublinie w siedzibie Studium Praktycznej Nauki Języków Obcych Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego.

Tematem 2 Konferencji IATEFL Poland jest Innowacyjność i Efektywność w Nauczaniu Języków Specjalistycznych. Przygotowaliśmy dla Państwa ciekawe wykłady i warsztaty metodyczne, zaplanowaliśmy czas na spotkania i rozmowy przy filiżance kawy. Mamy nadzieję, że tegoroczna Konferencja ESP SIG IATEFL Poland będzie wyjątkową okazją do wymiany doświadczeń i nawiązania nowych zawodowych kontaktów.

15 - 16 stycznia 2015 r.

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie

(językiem konferencji będzie język angielski)
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2015-01-15
Miejsce: Lublin
Rodzaj: 2 Międzynarodowa Konferencja ESP SIG IATEFL Poland. Rejestracja do 10.01.15.