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British Council: Science Festival in Cracow

Are you interested in science? Let's meet in Cracow!

The 13th edition of the Science Festival themed 'Faces of water' will be taking place in Cracow from 15 to 18 May.
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We invite you to join workshops, visit universities and museums and to watch the main stage at the Market Square for lots of attractions and interesting guests.
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Come and see the presentation on evolution and perception by Monika Koperska on 18 May at 11, a PhD student at the Jagiellonian University, the British Council's FameLab Poland winner and runner-up of the FameLab International in 2012.
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More information can be found here:
http://www.festiwalnauki.ur.krakow.pl/?utm_source=British+Counci l+Newsletter+May&utm_campaign=Newsletter+May&utm_medium=email
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Data: 2013-05-18
Organizator: British Council
Miejsce: Kraków
Rodzaj: Are you interested in science? Let's meet in Cracow! Science Festival