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- Kalendarz przyszłych konferencji, warszatatów i szkoleń językowych
- Kalendarz minonych konferencji, warszatatów i szkoleń językowych

2008-09-04 LANGENSCHEIDT POZNAŃ Promocja oferty wydawniczej.
2013-11-29 ETS Global Eastern Europe Warszawa Propell Workshop for the TOEFLŸ iBT, warsztaty
2013-10-04 ETS Global Eastern Europe Warszawa Propell Workshop for the TOEICŸ Listening and Reading Test
2013-10-12 ETS Global Eastern Europe Poznań Propell Workshop for the TOEICŸ Listening and Reading Test
2014-01-18 ETS Global Eastern Europe Kraków Propell Workshop for the TOEICŸ Listening and Reading Test
2014-03-08 ETS Global Eastern Europe Warszawa Propell Workshop for the TOEICŸ Listening and Reading Test
2014-05-17 ETS Global Eastern Europe Warszawa Propell Workshop for the TOEICŸ Listening and Reading Test
2014-05-24 ETS Global Eastern Europe Poznań Propell Workshop for the TOEICŸ Listening and Reading Test
2014-05-17 ETS Global Eastern Europe Warszawa Propell Workshop for the TOEICŸ Listening and Reading Test!
2014-05-24 ETS Global Eastern Europe Poznań Propell Workshop for the TOEICŸ Listening and Reading Test!
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