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- Kalendarz przyszłych konferencji, warszatatów i szkoleń językowych
- Kalendarz minonych konferencji, warszatatów i szkoleń językowych

2009-03-10 Macmillan KOSZALIN teachFRESH●2009
2009-03-02 Macmillan SZCZECIN teachFRESH●2009
2009-11-09 Express Publishing & Egis Przeworsk Teaching Children, Teenagers and Adults... warsztat - NKJO, ul. Gimnazjalna 35
2018-02-10 Language Consulting Studio we współpracy z MLT - Centrum Szkoleniowe Warszawa Teaching Dentistry & Pharmaceutical English via Skype
2010-04-17 Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce IATEFL Poland - Young Learners Special Inter Poznań Teaching English in a primary school with the use of drama
2016-10-06 British Council internet Teaching for Success Online - the teacher as reflective practitioner (2)
2016-10-05 British Council internet Teaching for Success Online Conference day 1 - the teacher as reflective practitioner
2016-10-07 British Council internet Teaching for Success online conference day 3 - The learner
2016-10-08 British Council internet Teaching for Success online conference day 4 - Assessing and managing learning
2016-10-09 British Council internet Teaching for Success online conference day 5 - 21st century skills/core skills and integrating ICT
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