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MACMILLAN: Let’s play for real! How to ensure developmentally appropriate... - webinarium, 28.05.18
Let’s play for real!
How to ensure developmentally appropriate play as part of your pre-primary English classes

Data: 28.05.2018 19:30 - 21:10
Trener: Sandie Mourão (PhD)
Typ szkolenia: webinarium

Dla kogo jest szkolenie?
Nauczyciele j. angielskiego w przedszkolach

Opis szkolenia:
In pre-primary education, play is seen as a child’s work, but to what extent is it taken into consideration when planning for English in pre-primary education? Do children really play in English?

This webinar will take a close look at play, consider different forms of play, discuss how play differs for 3- to 6-year olds and the relevance of understanding the distinction between adult-led play and child-initiated play in English. We’ll be grappling with concepts such as formats, learning areas, code switching and peer interaction. If you work with children from 3 to 6 years old, this webinar will give you the tools to ensure children are given the opportunity to learn through play, in English.

Czego nauczysz się na szkoleniu?
In this webinar you will learn about:

different forms of play and their relevance for child development
the difference between adult-led and child-initiated play
learning areas and how they can help you plan for play
the importance of formats to help you prepare children for play in English
the activities and resources you need to ensure children engage in real play in English

Dlaczego warto?
We need no convincing of the relevance of play in pre-primary education, but do we plan to include opportunities for play when we teach English in pre-primary education? The answer is probably ‘No!’. That is why this webinar is worth attending. If you want to integrate English into the pre-primary curriculum and ensure activities are developmentally appropriate, you have to understand how play in English can really be for real.

https://www.macmillan.pl/instytut-rozwoju-nauczycieli/szkolenie/ 21
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