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IATEFL: 27th IATEFL Poland Conference in Wrocław, 21-23.09.18, Wrocław
27th IATEFL Poland Conference in Wrocław
21-23 SEPTEMBER 2018

International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language is the organiser of the IATEFL Annual Conference:

Three days of intensive training seminars, plenaries, and discussion groups, live lessons with learners
120+ workshops on new teaching trends and techniques
Presentations given by top ELT specialists and writers- meet them in person!
Thousands of recent ELT publications on display & sold at generous discounted rates
High-quality daytime and evening social programmes
Approx.1,000 participants each year
Numerous opportunities to make new friends & forge useful business contacts
Over 100 items in the free prize draw including summer training courses in Great Britain
Wide-range of accommodation organised near the Conference venue to suit your tastes!
Up-to-date information and materials available on exam courses and professional bodies
Supportive and friendly atmosphere, aided by active monitors and IATEFL Help-desk

More info:
https://iatefl.org.pl/en/czytnik-newsow/invitation-27th-iatefl-p oland-conference-in-wroclaw.html
język angielski