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Cambridge University Press: Cambridge Days dla lektorów uczelni wyższych i szkół, 07.05.13, Łódź.
Cambridge University Press:

Zapraszamy lektorów uczelni wyższych i szkół językowych na Cambridge Days

Sprawdź terminy i miejsca bezpłatnych szkoleń metodycznych!


7 maja (wtorek), Łódź, 10:00 - 14:45
Grand Hotel, ul. Piotrkowska 72
90-102 Łódź

Aby zapoznać się ze szczegółowym programem konferencji i zarejestrować się za pomocą formualrza online, kliknij na link w kolumnie "Rejestracja".


10:00 – 10:25 Rejestracja

10:25 - 10:35 Otwarcie konferencji

10:35 - 11:35 Terry Prosser, Cambridge University Press
Achieving Your Objectives

This session looks at the connection between the 'English Profile' and coursebook content and identifies how analysis of the Cambridge Learner Corpus (CLC) correlates with success at exams. The talk also highlights key features of exam preparation such as the balance of exam techniques with communicative activities that increase personalisation, motivation and confidence. The presentation is accompanied by handouts from the new edition of 'Objective Proficiency' book from Cambridge University Press.

Terry Prosser has been a teacher and teacher trainer for over 16 years. He has worked in England, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Germany and the United Arab Emirates. He has a BA in Philosophy, Literature and French, a CELTA, a Higher Trinity Diploma in TESOL, as well as a Post-Graduate Teaching Diploma and an MA in TESOL. He was the course director/managing director of TEFL Worldwide in Prague and has taught over 100 teacher training/education courses to over 2,000 EFL teachers. He works as a business skills trainer in Germany. He is an international conference presenter and product champion for Cambridge University Press.

11:35 - 12:00 Przerwa na kawę i herbatę

12:00 - 13:00 Vaughan Elliott, Cambridge English Language Assessment (Gdańsk, Łódź, Warszawa, Lublin)
Stephen Dewsbury, Cambridge English Language Assessment (Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Poznań)
CAE Speaking Test Preparation – Give your students the edge

Most language exams contain a spoken component. This is an experience some students find extremely daunting and which they get highly, and unnecessarily, stressed over. This anxiety can obviously have a negative effect on their performance and is something teachers should be acutely aware of and have a range of techniques to deal with.

This is a practical workshop dealing with the CAE speaking test based on my 20 years experience in the classroom preparing my students for exams including Cambridge English Language Assessment and Polish state sector exams. It is also informed by the years I have spent as an examiner and trainer during which I have developed a deep understanding of how to best ready our students for that all important 15 minutes. By the end participants will be armed with practical ideas and activities they can use as soon as they get in to classroom on Monday.

Vaughan Elliott is currently Professional Support Leader for Poland, the Baltics and Belarus for Cambridge English Language Assessmen. He is responsible for the coordinating and monitoring of speaking examiner training for all Cambridge English exams. He is a regular speaker at conferences on teaching practice and exams. In addition Vaughan has been running his own chain of language schools in and around the Gdansk area for the past 14 years. He still teaches and prepares students for Cambridge English FCE and CAE every year. Previously he worked for Bell Schools in Poland for 7 years as a teacher and director of studies where he completed his DELTA.

Stephen Dewsbury teaches English as a Foreign Language at the university level. He teaches English at Opole University and for 11 years taught at Opole Teacher Training College. Stephen is a fully fledged examiner for the British Council and a contributing writer, presenter and trainer for Cambridge English Language Assessment. His professional interests include sociolinguistics and cultural studies. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling, listening to music, watching football and spending time with his family.

13:00 - 13:30 Przerwa na kawę i herbatę

13:30 - 14:30 Terry Prosser, Cambridge University Press
Secret Service - Business skills and customer care

Helping your students to interact politely and efficiently with customers is a key part of many Business English courses, as ‘the competition is only a mouse-click away!' This seminar will focus on learner needs and those of their employers as well as the challenges that language learners face. We'll look at ways of providing a polite service to customers, clients and guests using examples from cartoons, case studies and video clips and you'll take away activity ideas for your lessons. The presentation will include examples from the new edition of ‘Business Benchmark’, published by Cambridge University Press.

14.30 - 14.45 Losowanie nagród

Wszystkie szkolenia prowadzone będą w języku angielskim.

certyfikat potwierdzający udział w szkoleniach
broszurę Examinations Resource Pack - po sesji: Achieving Your Objectives
broszurę Cambridge English Advanced - Handbook for Teachers - po sesji: CAE Speaking Test Preparation – Give your students the edge
egzemplarz okazowy podręcznika Business Benchark Second edition Upper Intermediate Student's Book - po sesji: Secret Service - Business skills and customer care

Podczas konferencji serdecznie zapraszamy do odwiedzenia stoisk centrów egzaminacyjnych Cambridge English Language Assessment. Na stoiskach można będzie zapoznać się z ofertą najpopularniejszych na świecie certyfikatów językowych dla uczniów i nauczycieli języka angielskiego. Więcej informacji o egzaminach Cambridge English Language Assessment znajdą Państwo na www.CambridgeEnglish.pl

Podczas konferencji będzie można zakupić książki Cambridge University Press z rabatem konferencyjnym.

Udział w konferencji jest bezpłatny.
Ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc uprzejmie prosimy o potwierdzanie uczestnictwa e-mailem cambridge@cambridge.org.pl (podając w tytule miasto konferencji) lub za pomocą formularza rejestracji online.

Zapraszamy serdecznie!
http://www.cambridge.org/pl/elt/news/event_details/item7306044/? site_locale=pl_PL
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