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Fundacja Efekt Motyla zaprasza na kolejny charytatywny bankiet w Londynie 6.06.2008r

The Butterfly Effect Foundation - Charity Banquet

We cordially invite you to the annual Charity Banquet at the Polish Embassy in London

Date: 6th June 2008 Time: 7pm

Location: Polish Embassy in London,
27 Portland Place, London W1B 1JH

Dress code: black tie

Minimum donation: £70

We are delighted to welcome the singer Justyna Steczkowska as well as the designer
Marcin Giebultowski with a fashion show of his new jewellery collection.

We hope to that you enjoy this evening in delightful company whilst supporting
a worthwhile cause.

The Butterfly Effect Foundation Members

Please R.S.V.P. to papilionis@papilionis.org by Friday, 30th May 2008. In your email please provide your name, surname and let us know whether you agree to share your contact details with the Banquet sponsors

The Foundation

The Effectus Papilionis (Butterfly Effect) Foundation was established in 2004 to support the education of children from underprivileged rural areas in Poland.

In order to fulfill its mission, our Foundation hires English language teachers and sends them to schools throughout Poland. As well as English classes, our teachers also organize numerous extra-curricular and summer activities which help children to build their self-confidence, become more passionate about education and more positive about life in general.

We strongly believe that such support will give these children a much better start in life and allow them to spread their wings, just like our butterfly.

Our Foundation is a politically neutral non-profit organization. Its sole goal is to support the education of children.

You can find more information about us at www.papilionis.org

The Banquet

The primary goal of our annual Charity Banquet is to raise the funds necessary to send more teachers to rural areas
in Poland. It follows successful events organized last years in London and Warsaw, where more than 400 people attended.

This year we aim to start with an elegant drinks and canapé reception, followed by a fashion show, a music concert
and a charity auction

We are expecting the presence of VIP quests drawn from the political, social and cultural elites including a large
number of Polish professionals living in UK, members of Polish City Club and other organizations active in Poland and the UK.

Fundacja Efekt Motyla zaprasza na kolejny charytatywny bankiet w Londynie 6.06.2008r.

Celem statutowym Fundacji jest umożliwienie nauki języka angielskiego młodzieży z rejonów wiejskich. Fundacja realizuje ten cel poprzez finansowanie lekcji języka angielskiego w tych regionach Polski, gdzie poziom edukacji z powodów ekonomiczno-społecznych
jest niższy niż ten, z jakim spotykamy się w dużych aglomeracjach miejskich. Znajomość tego języka w znacznym stopniu decyduje o sukcesie młodych ludzi w przyszłości. Język angielski jest niezbędnym wymogiem zdobycia niemal każdej dobrze płatnej pracy czy umożliwia studiowanie za granicą. Ze środków pieniężnych otrzymanych w ramach dorocznego bankietu charytatywnego fundacja Efekt Motyla sfinansuje wynagrodzenie nauczycieli, stypendia, wyjazdy oraz pomoce naukowe.

http://www.papilionis@papilionis.org 2008-06-02

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