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Macmillan: Pictures, words and the gaps between Using authentic material in the primary English.....
Pictures, words and the gaps between
Using authentic material in the primary English classroom

Okres dostępu: 180 dni

Typ szkolenia: Wideo

Język: angielski

Trener: Sandie Mourão (PhD)

Koszt: 49.00 zł

Dla kogo jest wideo?
Nauczyciele j. angielskiego w klasach 1-3 szkoły podstawowej
Lektorzy j. angielskiego w prywatnych szkołach językowych
Opis wideo:
Using authentic materials in language teaching is common-place, and picturebooks, a form of authentic literature, bring multiple opportunities for language development in the primary English classroom. In this webinar, we will discover what differentiates a picturebook from other literature and I will:

introduce the meta-language of picturebooks,
share a number of picturebooks, well-known and lesser-known,
suggest ways that picturebooks can complement a course book,
encourage participants to take picturebooks more seriously by showing how they can be used to support language development, critical thinking and intercultural understanding - all through the inter-animation of pictures, words and the gaps between.
You will never look at a picturebook in the same way … ever again!

Czego nauczysz się na wideo?
This webinar will introduce you to:

the difference between learner literature and picturebooks,
the making of a picturebook and its relevance to you as a teacher of English,
picturebook meta-language and its relevance to the primary English classroom,
how to share a picturebook, making the most of the pictures and the words,
a selection of picturebooks and associated classroom activities,
ways to collect evidence of learning during picturebook activities.
If you already use picturebooks, make sure you have a couple at hand, you are sure to rediscover them during this session.

Dlaczego warto?
Research into using picturebooks in the primary English classroom has shown that children benefit from accessing authentic literature, not just in relation to their language and literacy development, but also because these books are motivating, foster thinking and interpretation skills and bring lesser-known topics into the classroom. This webinar will make you reconsider the picturebook as object; it will show you that even if you already use picturebooks there are things you have never noticed before. You will leave with a deeper understanding of the picturebook and how it can enhance learning in your English classroom.

Rejestracja i zawsze aktualne informacje znajdują się na stronie:

https://www.macmillan.pl/instytut-rozwoju-nauczycieli/video/61 2019-11-20

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